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The Wizard Of Smoltek

The wizard of Smoltek

Smoltek’s recent breakthrough in growing carbon nanofibers (CNF) on an A4-sized area has caught the attention of researchers and industry experts alike. And rightly so! This achievement showcases Smoltek’s unique capabilities and valuable intellectual capital that must be protected. While patents are crucial for safeguarding this, fostering a company culture that empowers our employees is equally important. Let’s dive deeper.

Smoltek has made a major break­through: suc­cess­ful­ly grow­ing car­bon nanofibers (CNF) on an A4-sized area. This achieve­ment, detailed in our lat­est news and press release, under­scores the sig­nif­i­cant val­ue of Smoltek’s intel­lec­tu­al cap­i­tal. As a share­hold­er or investor, it’s cru­cial to under­stand this val­ue and how we pro­tect it. This arti­cle explores what we have achieved, our strat­e­gy for mon­e­tiz­ing it, the impor­tance of our peo­ple, and how we are com­mit­ted to pre­serv­ing the intel­lec­tu­al cap­i­tal they represent.

Revolution in CNF production

Almost two decades ago, Dr. Shafiq Kabir, founder of Smoltek, bought a used plas­ma-enhanced chem­i­cal vapor depo­si­tion (PECVD) reac­tor cham­ber from Chalmers Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­o­gy. It was need­ed for grow­ing car­bon nanofibers. The reac­tor cham­ber was the company’s first, affec­tion­ate­ly known inter­nal­ly as “David.” Among the nerdier share­hold­ers and investors, it’s known as the 6‑inch machine because it was used to grow car­bon nanofibers on 6‑inch sil­i­con wafers. It still can, but now “David” has been rebuilt to grow car­bon nanofibers on a tita­ni­um sub­strate slight­ly larg­er than an A4 sheet (21×29.7 cm).

“With recent mod­i­fi­ca­tions, ‘David’ can now pro­duce cell mate­ri­als up to A4 size, a stan­dard for indus­tri­al appli­ca­tions,” says Elli­nor Ehrn­berg, Pres­i­dent of Smoltek Hydro­gen. “This allows us to simul­ta­ne­ous­ly pro­duce up to 150 pro­to­types of 2×2 cm, or 24 pro­to­types of 5×5 cm, or a sin­gle pro­to­type at A4 size.”

With a fur­ther mod­i­fi­ca­tion planned, Smoltek will be able to pro­duce up to 2,000 square meters of cell mate­r­i­al per year.

Ptl Cnf
Scan­ning elec­tron micro­scope image of car­bon nanofiber (CNF) grown on a porous trans­port lay­er (PTL) at 1,000× magnification.

Demand is already knocking

Why would Smoltek pro­duce 2,000 m² of cell mate­r­i­al per year? There are no cus­tomers, after all.

Quite the opposite!

“In fact, cus­tomers are already knock­ing on our door,” Elli­nor Ehrn­berg, says. “While they may not order large quan­ti­ties of cell mate­r­i­al on day one, they rely on our cell mate­r­i­al and exper­tise to devel­op their products.”

The devel­op­ment process, which typ­i­cal­ly spans 2–5 years, begins with pro­to­types that require cell mate­ri­als in sizes of 2×2 cm and 5×5 cm. From there, they move to A4-sized cell mate­r­i­al for build­ing entire stacks, even­tu­al­ly lead­ing to sub­stan­tial orders for full-scale production.

At each stage—from ini­tial pro­to­types to stacks and pre-series production—Smoltek gen­er­ates rev­enue by sup­ply­ing both the essen­tial cell mate­ri­als and the R&D ser­vices that enable cus­tomers’ devel­op­ment efforts. By the time these cus­tomers are ready for mass pro­duc­tion, a vol­ume fac­to­ry will be capa­ble of pro­duc­ing up to 200,000 m² of cell mate­r­i­al per year, includ­ing sizes larg­er than 1 m².

One part­ner com­pa­ny exclaimed in amaze­ment: ‘Is it true?!’

Elli­nor Ehrn­berg, Pres­i­dent of Smoltek Hydrogen

The genius behind the breakthrough

To achieve A4-sized cell mate­r­i­al pro­duc­tion, Shafiq Kabir and oth­ers at Smoltek Hydro­gen redesigned “David.” Among oth­er things, the reac­tor cham­ber was giv­en a larg­er top elec­trode and a larg­er heat­ing plate. It sounds sim­ple. But it is any­thing but.

“Shafiq is a wiz­ard,” says Elli­nor Ehrn­berg. “No one out­side Smoltek thought it pos­si­ble to grow car­bon nanofibers on a sur­face as large as A4. But with his unique exper­tise and sys­tem­at­ic approach, Shafiq took on this seem­ing­ly impos­si­ble task and proved the naysay­ers wrong.”

Elli­nor Ehrn­berg continues:

“Since we pub­lished the news of our break­through, the result has attract­ed much atten­tion from researchers and col­leagues world­wide. One part­ner com­pa­ny exclaimed in amaze­ment: ‘Is it true?!’ They were stunned by the result. It shows that Smoltek has a unique posi­tion in the market.”

Smoltek 2024 09 02 A4 Cnf Growth Web
Dr. Shafiq Kabir in Smoltek’s lab hold­ing the world’s first sam­ple of ver­ti­cal­ly grown car­bon nanofibers (CNF) on an A4-sized porous trans­port lay­er (PTL).

Safeguarding our intellectual capital

Smoltek’s unique posi­tion stems from our high­ly qual­i­fied research and devel­op­ment and the intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty it gen­er­ates. This exper­tise has solid­i­fied Smoltek’s posi­tion with its largest and longest stand­ing investor as a com­pa­ny with sig­nif­i­cant, but not ful­ly rec­og­nized, poten­tial.

To pro­tect this intel­lec­tu­al cap­i­tal, Smoltek takes every pos­si­ble mea­sure, includ­ing secur­ing exclu­sive rights to use the results of our R&D through patents. But even more cru­cial is Smoltek Hydrogen’s com­mit­ment to nur­tur­ing the team behind these remark­able achieve­ments, ensur­ing they thrive and grow while mak­ing Smoltek an attrac­tive employ­er that draws top tal­ent worldwide.

Cultivating a winning team

Elli­nor cred­its much of the company’s unique cul­ture to the sup­port­ive and open-mind­ed lead­er­ship of Shafiq Kabir and Fabi­an Wenger, Head of R&D.

“Fabi­an and Shafiq cre­ate an atmos­phere where every­one feels val­ued,” Elli­nor explains. “They are gen­er­ous with their knowl­edge and always approach­able, encour­ag­ing open dis­cus­sion and col­lab­o­ra­tion. Their pos­i­tive, inclu­sive approach brings out the best in every­one on the team.”

From the begin­ning, Smoltek Hydro­gen’s co-founders, Elli­nor Ehrn­berg and Fabi­an Wenger, have been com­mit­ted to build­ing a safe and col­lab­o­ra­tive cul­ture. No ques­tion is too triv­ial to ask and no idea is too out­landish to sug­gest. They believe in cre­at­ing an open, wel­com­ing envi­ron­ment where every employ­ee feels safe, val­ued and appreciated.

This cul­ture pays off through loy­al employ­ees who go the extra mile for the com­pa­ny and each oth­er. A small but telling exam­ple is when the team framed the first A4-sized cell mate­r­i­al and hung it in the office.

World S First A4 Size Cnf Growth
The Smoltek Hydro­gen team has proud­ly framed and hung on the office wall the world’s first A4 size CNF growth.

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