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Smoltek Hydrogen 1000h Nanostructure 2024 04 10

Toward Low Loading and High Utilization Ratio of Iridium Catalyst for PEM Water Electrolyzers Using Smoltek Carbon Nanofibers

Research paper published in the proceedings at EFCF 2023 in Lucerne, Switzerland. Presentation made by Xin Wen, PhD.

Smol­tek addresses the hydro­gen industry’s main chal­lenges for enabling cost-effi­cient pro­duc­tion of fossil-free hydro­gen by dra­mat­ic­ally redu­cing the cost of PEM water electrolyzers. 

  • By focus­ing on:
  • Anode side cata­lyst is expensive.
  • Good elec­tric­al con­duct­iv­ity is important.
  • We can:
  • Increase anode sur­face area by Smol­tek CNFs.
  • Lower Ir load­ing amount to ≤0.2 mg Ir/​cm2.
  • We do this by grow CNFs on anode PTLs:
  • Cre­at­ing a Cata­lyst coated PTL substrate
  • Where the CNFs increase sur­face area (CNF length can be con­trolled from 1 to 30 µm)
  • Cor­ro­sion pro­tec­tion: CNFs covered with a 50 nm Pt lay­er and an elec­trode­pos­ited Ir layer
  • This res­ults in:
  • Con­trolled Ir load­ing by our own depos­ition process
  • Decrease Ir cata­lyst load­ing to as low as 0.1 mgIr/​cm2
  • Per­form­ance is bet­ter than com­mer­cial Ir cata­lyst ink

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