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Farzan Ghavanini, CTO

Smoltek patent No. 79 now granted

Smoltek is awarded a new patent – the first one of a new patent family called Discrete CNF-MIM. This innovation discloses a discrete capacitor component based on our CNF-MIM technology. This also brings our IP portfolio now to comprise 79 granted patents.

June 13, 2023

This is the first patent in the new patent fam­i­ly of dis­crete capac­i­tor appli­ca­tions, and the inno­va­tion exploits the extra-ordi­nary sur­face to vol­ume ratio pro­vid­ed by car­bon nanofibers to cre­ate a MIM capac­i­tor with unpar­al­leled high capac­i­tance density.

“With this new patent fam­i­ly Smoltek expands its IP port­fo­lio to include the field of dis­crete capac­i­tors – a field that we have been heav­i­ly invest­ing in terms of R&D and inno­va­tion resources.”

Farzan Gha­vani­ni, CTO at Smoltek.

The patent dis­clos­es a dis­crete met­al-insu­la­tor-met­al (MIM) capac­i­tor com­po­nent based on the pro­pri­etary car­bon nanofiber tech­nol­o­gy devel­oped at Smoltek. It also describes the struc­ture of such capac­i­tor and the relat­ed micro­fab­ri­ca­tion process­es to real­ize it.

“This patent grant has arrived in per­fect time as the semi­con­duc­tor indus­try has start­ed to inves­ti­gate aggres­sive­ly in advanced capac­i­tor tech­nolo­gies to match the demands of new­er inte­grat­ed cir­cuits. It is reward­ing to wit­ness that our R&D efforts as reflect­ed in our expand­ing IP port­fo­lio aligns well with the needs of the indus­try and that our dis­rup­tive tech­nol­o­gy can solve prob­lems that tra­di­tion­al tech­nolo­gies cannot.”

Farzan Gha­vani­ni

The new Dis­crete CNF-MIM patent fam­i­ly dis­clos­es a high-den­si­ty dis­crete capac­i­tor based on Smoltek’s car­bon nanofiber tech­nol­o­gy paving the way for ultra-thin capac­i­tors that can be placed adja­cent to the com­po­nents they are sup­posed to sup­port. The patent fam­i­ly enables the sys­tem design­ers to bring for­ward inte­gra­tion and pack­ag­ing schemes with supe­ri­or per­for­mance with very small foot­print. These new schemes are vital in devel­op­ing new prod­ucts in the field of IoT, wear­ables, high-per­for­mance com­put­ing (HPC), and similar.

Smoltek’s patent port­fo­lio now glob­al­ly com­pris­es 79 grant­ed patents. Read more about our IP and patents.

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