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Smoltek Pte Earns Expert Recognition

Smoltek’s groundbreaking PTE technology earns expert recognition

Discover how Smoltek’s innovative Porous Transport Electrode (PTE) technology stands up to expert scrutiny. Learn about its impressive performance, and why it’s poised to transform PEM electrolyzers. Get the inside scoop on what this means for Smoltek’s future in the green hydrogen market.

Smol­tek has taken a stra­tegic step by invit­ing Dr. Felix N. Büchi, an inde­pend­ent expert in pro­ton exchange mem­brane (PEM) tech­no­lo­gies, to review Smol­tek Hydrogen’s Por­ous Trans­port Elec­trode (PTE) tech­no­logy. In his eval­u­ation, Dr. Büchi recog­nizes that ”Smol­tek elec­trodes are a very inter­est­ing devel­op­ment for the pro­duc­tion of low iridi­um load­ing elec­trodes for PEM elec­tro­lyz­ers.” His com­pre­hens­ive ana­lys­is provides valu­able insights for fur­ther devel­op­ment. Let’s delve into the details of this excit­ing eval­u­ation and what it means for Smoltek’s future.

Who is Dr. Felix N. Büchi?


You might be won­der­ing who Dr. Felix N. Büchi is and why his opin­ion car­ries such weight. As a prom­in­ent Swiss sci­ent­ist spe­cial­iz­ing in elec­tro­chem­ic­al energy con­ver­sion and stor­age, Dr. Büchi is at the fore­front of fuel cell tech­no­logy and elec­tro­lyz­er development.

As Group Head at the Elec­tro­chem­istry Labor­at­ory at Switzerland’s pres­ti­gi­ous Paul Scher­rer Insti­tute (PSI), Dr. Büchi focuses on advan­cing PEM fuel cells and PEM elec­tro­lyz­ers. His expert­ise is par­tic­u­larly rel­ev­ant in char­ac­ter­iz­ing and eval­u­at­ing por­ous mater­i­als for these applic­a­tions. His pion­eer­ing work with X‑ray ima­ging under oper­ando con­di­tions has revo­lu­tion­ized the under­stand­ing of PEM devices’ mass trans­port and two-phase flow, lead­ing to approx­im­ately 50 ded­ic­ated papers since 2009.

With a Ph.D. in Fun­da­ment­al Elec­tro­chem­istry from the Uni­ver­sity of Bern and exper­i­ence from respec­ted insti­tu­tions like Texas A&M Uni­ver­sity, Dr. Büchi is recog­nized glob­ally for his expert­ise in poly­mer elec­tro­lytes and elec­tro­chem­ic­al systems.

The Büchi Report

Dr. Büchi’s assign­ment was to eval­u­ate Smol­tek Hydrogen’s PTE tech­no­logy. The res­ult­ing doc­u­ment, ”The Büchi Report,” provides an in-depth ana­lys­is of the technology’s per­form­ance and areas for fur­ther optimization.

While the full report con­tains con­fid­en­tial busi­ness inform­a­tion, we’re excited to share key high­lights with you. These insights demon­strate how Smoltek’s innov­a­tion addresses a crit­ic­al chal­lenge in the PEM elec­tro­lyz­er industry –  the press­ing issue of iridi­um scarcity that threatens to con­strain the industry’s growth.

The iridium challenge

The num­bers tell a strong  story: The green hydro­gen industry will need 30 tons of iridi­um annu­ally by 2030, while glob­al pro­duc­tion capa­city is lim­ited to 9 tons annu­ally. With cur­rent iridi­um prices around 150,000 EUR per kilo­gram, and mar­ket ana­lysts pro­ject­ing prices to reach 700,000 EUR per kilo­gram by 2030 due to the sup­ply-demand gap, redu­cing iridi­um usage becomes cru­cial for com­mer­cial viab­il­ity. With our tech­no­logy, iridi­um con­sump­tion is reduced by 95% com­pared to cur­rent levels.

Understanding PEM electrolyzers

The reduc­tion of iridi­um load is pos­sible  because of our fun­da­ment­al rethink­ing of elec­trode design. To under­stand our approach, let’s look at the basic struc­ture of a PEM electrolyzer.

It has two elec­trodes sep­ar­ated by a thin pro­ton exchange mem­brane (PEM). At one elec­trode, called the anode, the sur­face of the titani­um por­ous trans­port lay­er (PTL) pressed against the mem­brane must be coated with iridi­um. This extremely rare and expens­ive met­al acts as a cata­lyst to make the reac­tion hap­pen. This is where Smoltek’s break­through innov­a­tion comes in.

Our approach revolves around the innov­at­ive use of car­bon nan­ofibers (CNF): We grow these CNFs dir­ectly on the titani­um sur­face that faces the mem­brane, cre­at­ing a struc­ture that mul­ti­plies the sur­face area by 10–30 times. This greatly enlarged sur­face area means we can spread out and util­ize the iridi­um cata­lyst much more effi­ciently – achiev­ing the same per­form­ance with much less of the pre­cious metal.

We call the com­plete assembly – a titani­um PTL with iridi­um coated CNFs on the mem­brane-facing sur­face – a Por­ous Trans­port Elec­trode (PTE). This integ­rated approach rep­res­ents a fun­da­ment­al shift from tra­di­tion­al elec­trode design, com­bin­ing struc­tur­al sup­port, increased sur­face area, and cata­lyst func­tion­al­ity in a single com­pon­ent. The tech­no­logy is strongly pro­tec­ted by pat­ents cov­er­ing key aspects of the design and man­u­fac­tur­ing process..

Smoltek’s innovative solution

The effect­ive­ness of this approach has been proven in extens­ive test­ing. By apply­ing iridi­um to our CNF-enhanced PTL using a pro­pri­et­ary pro­cess, we’ve achieved remark­able res­ults in redu­cing iridi­um loading.

Dr. Büchi eval­u­ated our elec­trodes with 0.2 mg/​cm2 of iridi­um, which already rep­res­ents a sig­ni­fic­ant reduc­tion from the up to 2 mg/​cm2 used in tra­di­tion­al electrodes.

Build­ing on these prom­ising res­ults, our devel­op­ment work con­tin­ues toward our tar­get of  0.1 mg/​cm2, which would mark a break­through in iridi­um util­iz­a­tion efficiency.

Optimizing for durability

The car­bon nan­ofibers in Smoltek’s design require pro­tec­tion against the harsh, highly oxid­iz­ing envir­on­ment at the anode. To pre­vent degrad­a­tion, we apply a pro­tect­ive lay­er of plat­in­um. Dr. Büchi con­firms that this pro­tect­ive lay­er is rel­ev­ant for our approach.

Ensur­ing long-term dur­ab­il­ity remains a top pri­or­ity. We’re com­mit­ted to extens­ive test­ing under real-world oper­at­ing con­di­tions to veri­fy that our efforts nev­er com­prom­ise the reli­ab­il­ity and per­form­ance of our electrodes.

Technical advantages

Dr. Büchi’s ana­lys­is high­lights sev­er­al key strengths of our approach:

The examined iridi­um load­ing (0.2 mg/​cm2) demon­strates sig­ni­fic­ant eco­nom­ic poten­tial, par­tic­u­larly con­sid­er­ing iridium’s high cost and lim­ited availability.

The CNF-enhanced sur­face area, which is 10–30 times lar­ger than the ori­gin­al PTL mem­brane-facing sur­face, enables more effi­cient cata­lyst util­iz­a­tion – a key factor in achiev­ing high per­form­ance with reduced mater­i­al use.

Ini­tial test­ing con­firms remark­able ini­tial res­ults, achiev­ing 2.5 A/​cm² at 2V at 80 °C – a per­form­ance that, in his words, ”matches the state of the art.”

This shows that our unique approach to elec­trode design can deliv­er industry-com­pet­it­ive per­form­ance while using sig­ni­fic­antly less iridium.

Dr. Büchi’s assessment

In his over­all assess­ment Dr Büchi con­cludes: “Smoltek’s elec­trodes are a very inter­est­ing devel­op­ment for the pro­duc­tion of low iridi­um load­ing elec­trodes for PEM elec­tro­lyz­ers.” Accord­ing to Dr. Büchi, the tech­no­logy makes it pos­sible to cre­ate anodes with a greatly enlarged sur­face area while using min­im­al amounts of iridi­um cata­lyst, all integ­rated dir­ectly onto the por­ous trans­port layer.

His eval­u­ation included both examin­ing the elec­trode by itself (“ex-situ char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion”) and test­ing it under real oper­at­ing conditions.

He notes that “the ex-situ char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion of the elec­trodes shows that the aspired goals with high sur­face and low homo­gen­eous spe­cif­ic iridi­um load­ing can be realized.” 

While these ini­tial eval­u­ations are prom­ising, the most com­pel­ling res­ults come from real-world test­ing. Dr. Büchi examined the elec­trode’s per­form­ance when integ­rated into a com­plete elec­tro­lyz­er cell, where it worked togeth­er with a mem­brane and cath­ode to pro­duce hydro­gen under actu­al oper­at­ing conditions.

Performance insights

Earli­er this year, Smol­tek achieved a sig­ni­fic­ant mile­stone by suc­cess­fully oper­at­ing a PEM elec­tro­lyz­er cell for 1,000 hours using only 0.2 mg/​cm2 of iridi­um cata­lyst. Dr. Büchi’s thor­ough ana­lys­is of this dur­ab­il­ity test has now provided valu­able insights into both the tech­no­logy’s cap­ab­il­it­ies and its path forward.

In his assess­ment, he notes: “The char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion in PEM elec­tro­lys­is cells shows that the Smol­tek elec­trodes give a very good per­form­ance at begin of life. Though, at the time, a deac­tiv­a­tion occurs in the first 10 hours of oper­a­tion.  There are hypo­theses on the mech­an­ism, but none is proven.”

Let’s break this down: The ini­tial per­form­ance was excel­lent – exactly what we were look­ing for. How­ever, dur­ing the first 10 hours of oper­a­tion, we observed a decrease in per­form­ance. While the elec­trode con­tin­ued to pro­duce the desired hydro­gen out­put through­out the remain­ing 990 hours, it required slightly more elec­tric­al power than optimal.

The cause of this per­form­ance drop had puzzled our team until Dr. Büchi’s eval­u­ation. His insights provided a likely explan­a­tion for the reduced mem­brane con­tact area and, more import­antly, offered clear path­ways for improve­ment. Based on his recom­mend­a­tions, we’re imple­ment­ing sev­er­al enhance­ments for our next dur­ab­il­ity test:

  • Strength­en­ing the bond between fibers and membrane
  • Modi­fy­ing the elec­trode configuration
  • Upgrad­ing to more soph­ist­ic­ated test equipment

With these improve­ments in place, we’re con­fid­ent in our path for­ward. Our goal remains clear: demon­strat­ing that our PTE tech­no­logy can match industry-stand­ard per­form­ance while using sig­ni­fic­antly less iridium.

What does this mean for Smoltek’s future?

Dr. Büchi’s report rein­forces our con­fid­ence in the fun­da­ment­al approach of our PTE tech­no­logy. His inde­pend­ent assess­ment con­firms that our innov­at­ive meth­od for redu­cing iridi­um load­ing while main­tain­ing high per­form­ance addresses a crit­ic­al industry chal­lenge. The report also provides valu­able guid­ance for our con­tin­ued devel­op­ment work.

The path to com­mer­cial­iz­a­tion in deep tech often requires care­ful atten­tion to detail and sys­tem­at­ic eval­u­ation. Each mile­stone we achieve – includ­ing this thor­ough extern­al review – brings us closer to our goal of enabling more effi­cient and sus­tain­able hydro­gen pro­duc­tion. We’re par­tic­u­larly encour­aged by Dr. Büchi’s con­firm­a­tion that our approach to redu­cing iridi­um usage shows prom­ise, as this addresses one of the most sig­ni­fic­ant bar­ri­ers to scal­ing up green hydro­gen production.

Your thoughts matter

As share­hold­ers and stake­hold­ers in Smoltek’s jour­ney, your per­spect­ive is invaluable:

  • How do you see this review impact­ing Smoltek’s pos­i­tion in the green hydro­gen market?
  • What aspects of Dr. Büchi’s report do you find most encouraging?
  • How can we bet­ter com­mu­nic­ate our pro­gress and mile­stones as we work towards commercialization?

Join the dis­cus­sion in the com­ments sec­tion of our Linked­In post about this art­icle. Your insights help shape our com­mu­nic­a­tion strategy and rein­force the value of patience in devel­op­ing trans­form­at­ive tech­no­lo­gies. Togeth­er, we’re build­ing a found­a­tion for a more sus­tain­able future.

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