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Electrode Geometry Cnf

Impact of electrode geometry and thickness on planar on-chip microsupercapacitors

Research paper published in the scientific journal RSC Advances, issue 52 2020.

We report an assess­ment of the influ­ence of both fin­ger geo­metry and ver­tic­ally-ori­ented car­bon nan­ofiber lengths in planar micro-super­ca­pa­cit­ors. Increas­ing the fin­ger num­ber leads to an up-scal­ing in areal power dens­it­ies, which increases with scan rate. Grow­ing the nan­ofibers longer, how­ever, does not lead to a pro­por­tion­al growth in capa­cit­ance, pro­posedly related to lim­ited ion pen­et­ra­tion of the electrode.

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