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Smoltek patent no 80 electro catalyst support

Electro Catalyst Support

The Electro Catalyst Support family is covering an electrolyzer and a method for producing a catalyst supported on a nanostructure. The innovation is targeted towards the production of green hydrogen and discloses how carbon nanofibers can support the iridium catalyst load in a PEM-electrolyzer in a better way.

The Inno­va­tion: An elec­trolyz­er com­pris­ing a first and a sec­ond elec­trode and an ion exchange mem­brane arranged in-between the first and the sec­ond elec­trode is dis­closed. Each elec­trode com­pris­es a con­duc­tive ele­ment. At least one of the elec­trodes com­pris­es a cat­a­lyst struc­ture, the cat­a­lyst struc­ture com­pris­ing a plu­ral­i­ty of elon­gat­ed nanos­truc­tures arranged to con­nect the con­duc­tive ele­ment to a cor­re­spond­ing plu­ral­i­ty of cat­a­lyst par­ti­cles. Each cat­a­lyst par­ti­cle is local­ized at the end of a respec­tive elon­gat­ed nanos­truc­ture oppo­site from the con­duc­tive element.

Granted patents relating to the innovation

Patent OfficePatent
Swe­denSE 545366 C2

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