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Scanning Electron Microscope Image Carbon Nano Fibre Metal Insulator Metal Cnf Mim Capacitor Including Substrate

CNF-MIM Technology, Enabling the Worlds Thinnest Capacitor

Research paper published in the proceedings at the 3rd PCNS 7-10th September 2021, Milano, Italy as paper No.5.3. and voted by attendees as: BEST PAPER AWARD.

This paper will present a nov­el tech­no­logy (CNF-MIM) com­bin­ing Car­bon Nan­ofiber (CNF) mater­i­als and MIM (metal-insulator-metal)-like tech­no­logy, enabling capa­cit­ors with total thick­ness lower than 40 µm suit­able for use in future mini­atur­ized electronics.

The ultra-thin and dis­crete CNF-MIM capa­cit­ors have been man­u­fac­tured and char­ac­ter­ized on sev­er­al sub­strates, show­ing excel­lent elec­tric­al prop­er­ties such as high capa­cit­ance dens­ity of sev­er­al hun­dreds of nF/​mm2, ESR (equi­val­ent series res­ist­ance) in the mOhm range, low ESL (equi­val­ent series induct­ance) on the order of 10 pH thus being prom­ising for a mul­ti­tude of applic­a­tions with­in the semi­con­duct­or industry. To assess the long-term dur­ab­il­ity, CNF-MIM capa­cit­ors have also been sub­jec­ted to pro­longed expos­ure to high tem­per­at­ure and con­stant voltage bias envir­on­ments fol­low­ing a HTS (high tem­per­at­ure stor­age) and BTS (biased tem­per­at­ure stress) stand­ard. The CNF-MIM capa­cit­or show ini­tial robust­ness against degrad­a­tion in these scenarios. 

The paper was presen­ted by Maria Bylund, Smol­tek AB, Gothen­burg, Sweden at the 3rd PCNS 7–10th Septem­ber 2021, Mil­ano, Italy as paper No.5.3. and voted by attendees as: BEST PAPER AWARD.

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