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Lat­est news from Smoltek.

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Smoltek congratulate our first industrial PhD

Muhammad Amin has defended his thesis successfully. The opponent was Professor François Béguin, from Poznan University of Technology, Poland, a distinguished professor in the field of super capacitors.

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Smoltek is going to ECTC 2017

Our industrial PhD student Muhammad Amin is one of 8 winners selected by the CPMT Awards committee for ECTC Travel Award with the abstract “On-Chip Integrated Solid State Micro-Supercapacitor.”

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Smoltek is featuerd in IEEE Spectrum

We are very happy to be featured in IEEE Spectrum. IEEE Spectrum is the flagship magazine and website of the IEEE, the world’s largest professional organization devoted to engineering and the applied sciences.

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New Taiwanese Patent

We are happy to announce a new core patent in Taiwan. This is Smoltek´s third granted patent in Taiwan.