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Fol­low Smoltek’s jour­ney through our investor-focused blog, open to all who are curi­ous about our work. Here, we dive deep into our tech­nol­o­gy, mile­stones, and strate­gic direc­tion. Our arti­cles pro­vide con­text and insights beyond the head­lines, explain­ing the sig­nif­i­cance of our tech­ni­cal break­throughs and busi­ness devel­op­ments. We address ques­tions about Smoltek’s busi­ness and tech­nol­o­gy, with­in the bounds of stock mar­ket regulations.

The Machine

The machine

In March 2022, we told the world we had ordered a machine. In October 2023, we announced that it is ready for delivery. But what kind of machine is it? What does it do? Why has it taken so long? Where will it be located? How will it be used? You will find the answers here.
Crystalline silicon wafer that reflects light in all colors of the rainbow

High-volume production of capacitors

Smoltek has produced a quarter million capacitors (without carbon nanofiber) and has begun producing a new batch (with carbon nanofiber). This is huge because it shows that our high-volume manufacturing process works. It is intended to be used to produce engineering samples. You could read about this in a press release. In this article, we unpack what this means.
Hand held circular disc with Smoltek logo

Smoltek—from carbon nanofibers to mind-controlled robotic prostheses

Smoltek holds unique world patents for technologies that make material engineering on an atomic level possible. Smoltek has solutions that allow continued miniaturization and increased performance of semiconductors, contribute to carbon-free steel production and renewable energy storage, and enable mind control of robotic prostheses. This is a story of how Smoltek came to be.