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New method accelerates CNF-MIM development

Our innovative “zapping” method drastically reduces development time and costs, enabling us to advance CNF-MIM technology faster and making Smoltek Semi’s technology even more attractive to potential buyers. Read on to see how this new process strengthens our position and shortens our path to market.

While seek­ing buy­ers for our CNF-MIM tech­no­logy, we con­tin­ue to refine our offer­ings. Recently, we’ve made sig­ni­fic­ant pro­gress by trip­ling the capa­cit­ance dens­ity of our CNF-MIM capa­cit­ors while halv­ing the leak­age cur­rent with a new dielec­tric stack.

To put this in per­spect­ive for non-experts, increased capa­cit­ance dens­ity means a great­er abil­ity to store energy in the form of elec­tric charge with­in the same volume. Sim­il­arly, reduced leak­age cur­rent means that the loss of stored energy is reduced, mak­ing our capa­cit­ors more efficient.

Such advance­ments boost the appeal of our tech­no­logy to poten­tial buy­ers. How­ever, break­throughs require extens­ive exper­i­ment­a­tion. To min­im­ize time-to-mar­ket, we need rap­id exper­i­ment setup cap­ab­il­it­ies. Man­u­fac­tur­ing full CNF-MIM capa­cit­ors is time-con­sum­ing and costly. For quick­er turn­around, we use par­al­lel plate capa­cit­ors – sim­pler and cheap­er to pro­duce. Now, Smol­tek Semi research­ers have fur­ther accel­er­ated and eco­nom­ized this process.

Parallel plate capacitors as proxies

A par­al­lel plate capa­cit­or is the simplest form of capa­cit­or: two met­al plates sep­ar­ated by an insu­lat­or. CNF-MIM capa­cit­ors share this basic struc­ture, but add car­bon nan­ofibers to increase the met­al sur­face area many times over. Both types con­sist of par­al­lel met­al sur­faces sep­ar­ated by a dielec­tric stack of uni­form thickness.

We man­u­fac­ture par­al­lel plate capa­cit­ors using the same meth­ods and mater­i­als as CNF-MIM capa­cit­ors, includ­ing cre­at­ing them on a sil­ic­on wafer sub­strate. The only dif­fer­ence is that we omit the car­bon nan­ofiber steps for par­al­lel plate capa­cit­ors. This sim­il­ar­ity in pro­duc­tion meth­ods, minus the nan­ofibers, makes par­al­lel plate capa­cit­ors excel­lent sub­sti­tutes for test­ing CNF-MIM tech­no­logy, as they mim­ic CNF-MIM capa­cit­ors while being sim­pler and quick­er to produce.

Simplifying electrode access

Con­nect­ing a capa­cit­or requires access to both met­al plates, each of which is called an elec­trode in this con­text. The top elec­trode is eas­ily access­ible, but the bot­tom elec­trode poses chal­lenges. It’s covered by the top elec­trode and the dielec­tric stack, and can’t be accessed from below due to the substrate.

Pre­vi­ously, cre­at­ing an elec­tric­al con­nec­tion to the bot­tom elec­trode required sev­er­al com­plex steps. Now, Smol­tek Semi research­ers use a meth­od we call ”zap­ping” that sig­ni­fic­antly sim­pli­fies this pro­cess. While not a nov­el tech­nique in itself, it’s new for us to apply it in this con­text. The zap­ping meth­od involves apply­ing a brief, high voltage across spe­cif­ic con­tact points on a test capa­cit­or, cre­at­ing a con­trolled break­down in the insu­lat­ing lay­er. This tech­nique elim­in­ates the need for mul­tiple com­plex etch­ing steps, sig­ni­fic­antly stream­lin­ing the test­ing process.

For those unfa­mil­i­ar with elec­tric­al engin­eer­ing, ima­gine try­ing to con­nect a wire to the bot­tom of a stack of sand­wiches without dis­turb­ing the top lay­ers. The old meth­od was like care­fully cut­ting through each lay­er to reach the bot­tom. The new zap­ping meth­od is more like using a focused beam of energy to instantly melt a tiny, pre­cise hole through the lay­ers. This approach is much faster and causes min­im­al dis­rup­tion to the over­all struc­ture, as it affects only a very small, con­trolled area.

It’s worth not­ing that zap­ping is a devel­op­ment tool that sim­pli­fies CNF-MIM capa­cit­or char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion. It’s not inten­ded for actu­al capa­cit­or production.

Why zapping matters

Zap­ping reduces sev­er­al fab­ric­a­tion steps for test capa­cit­ors, short­en­ing iter­a­tion time from a month to a week. This accel­er­a­tion allows more fre­quent test­ing of new con­fig­ur­a­tions, speed­ing up research and optim­iz­a­tion. It enables rap­id eval­u­ation of mater­i­als and design para­met­ers, focus­ing efforts on crit­ic­al com­pon­ents like the dielec­tric stack without lengthy pro­duc­tion cycles.

Business impact

Zap­ping enhances Smoltek’s pos­i­tion by mak­ing devel­op­ment more cost-effi­cient and rap­id. It reduces R&D expenses, allow­ing more exper­i­ments and tech­no­logy refine­ment without over­spend­ing. This accel­er­ated pace enables quick­er deliv­ery of pre­lim­in­ary res­ults to poten­tial part­ners, main­tain­ing their engage­ment and interest.

In nego­ti­ations, demon­strat­ing high-per­form­ing, cost-effect­ive tech­no­logy devel­op­ment makes Smol­tek a more attract­ive part­ner. While zap­ping isn’t used in final pro­duc­tion, the abil­ity to iter­ate quickly ensures a reli­able, scal­able end product – key con­sid­er­a­tions for poten­tial cus­tom­ers seek­ing eas­ily integ­rated solutions.

Investor perspective

For share­hold­ers, zap­ping trans­lates into a clear advant­age: faster devel­op­ment cycles mean a short­er time-to-mar­ket for break­throughs, such as trip­ling the capa­cit­ance dens­ity and halv­ing the leak­age cur­rent, mak­ing CNF-MIM capa­cit­ors even more attract­ive to buyers.

Accelerating smart development

Zap­ping sig­ni­fic­antly reduces devel­op­ment time and costs, enabling faster iter­a­tion and main­tain­ing our com­mer­cial­iz­a­tion tra­ject­ory. It’s a prag­mat­ic approach that bol­sters our mar­ket pos­i­tion and enhances our appeal to poten­tial buyers.

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