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Smoltek and Yageo CTO's at Yageo HQ.

Yageo Group sees a lot of potential in Smoltek

Philip Lessner, CTO at YAGEO Group says in an interview that he and Yageo sees a lot of potential in Smotek's disruptive CNF-MIM capacitor technology for making capacitors in extremely small form factors.

August 29, 2023

In an inter­view, first pub­lished in a Ger­man tech mag­a­zine, in July this year, Philip Less­ner, CTO at Yageo Group spoke about the plans they have for tech­nol­o­gy and mar­ket leadership.

In the arti­cle, he also speaks about the advan­tages with Smoltek’s CNF-MIM capac­i­tor technology:

In the past, there have been few pas­sive device activ­i­ties that have used semi­con­duc­tor process tech­nol­o­gy to pro­duce pas­sive devices. Ipedia is prob­a­bly the best known. Our goal is also to map the func­tions of pas­sive com­po­nents in semi­con­duc­tors. In col­lab­o­ra­tion with Smoltek Semi, we build car­bon nanofibers on 8‑inch sil­i­con wafers, with the rest of the pro­cess­ing done as part of a nor­mal CMOS process tech­nol­o­gy. Such a wafer would then prob­a­bly pro­vide us with 48,000 CNF-MIM capac­i­tors of size 0402.

Philip Less­ner, CTO at YAGEO Group

Read the full arti­cle here, pub­lished Eng­lish in the Pas­sive Com­po­nents blog. Or if you rather read the Ger­man orig­i­nal ver­sion, pub­lished in

In the image above, Farzan Gha­vani­ni, CTO at Smoltek and Philip Less­ner, CTO at Yageo Group meet at Yageo Group’s head­quar­ters in Taipei City, Taiwan. 

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