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Why increased capacitance density matter

Smoltek Semi has developed a new material for use in CNF-MIM capacitors. The new material increases capacitance by more than three times and reduces leakage current by 50 percent. In this article, we examine what this means and why it is good for shareholders and investors.

In a press release, we announced that Smoltek Semi has devel­oped a new dielec­tric stack that increas­es capac­i­tance den­si­ty by 230 per­cent and reduces leak­age cur­rent by 50 per­cent. But what the heck is a dielec­tric stack? And how does it ben­e­fit you as a share­hold­er and investor?

CNF-MIM capacitors are needed

Car­bon nanofibers are the core of what we do. We use them to tack­le com­plex mate­r­i­al chal­lenges across var­i­ous indus­tries, such as cre­at­ing ultra-thin capac­i­tors with suf­fi­cient capacitance.

Capac­i­tors are essen­tial for sta­bi­liz­ing the pow­er fluc­tu­a­tions caused when tran­sis­tors inside an appli­ca­tion proces­sor switch between ones and zeros bil­lions of times per sec­ond. They quick­ly absorb excess ener­gy and release stored ener­gy when need­ed. The catch is that these capac­i­tors must be placed very close to the tran­sis­tors to be effective—ideally, right under the chip itself.

This requires capac­i­tors small enough to fit between the sol­der balls on the under­side of the chip. These capac­i­tors need to be thin­ner than the diam­e­ter of the sol­der balls yet still pro­vide enough capac­i­tance to han­dle the task.

Smoltek Semi address­es this chal­lenge with its CNF-MIM capacitors.

Three things that increase capacitance

Fun­da­men­tal­ly, a capac­i­tor con­sists of two met­al plates with an insu­lat­ing mate­r­i­al between them. Its abil­i­ty to store ener­gy, capac­i­tance, is pri­mar­i­ly deter­mined by three factors:

  • The area of the met­al plates’ sur­face. The larg­er the area, the high­er the capacitance.
  • The dis­tance between the met­al plates. The short­er the dis­tance, the high­er the capacitance.
  • The abil­i­ty of the insu­la­tion mate­r­i­al to store ener­gy. The high­er this abil­i­ty (expressed as the dielec­tric con­stant, κ), the high­er the capacitance.

CNF-MIM capac­i­tors are just met­al-insu­la­tion-met­al (MIM) capac­i­tors where we cre­ate a large area in a small vol­ume using car­bon nanofibers (CNF).

CNF as area multiplier

Grow­ing car­bon nanofibers on a sur­face increas­es the sur­face area tens of thou­sands of times. To under­stand why this is so, con­sid­er a car­bon nanofiber as a ver­ti­cal­ly stand­ing cylin­der of height h and radius r. The cylinder’s man­tle sur­face is 2πrh, and its base sur­face is πr2. So you could say that the car­bon nanofiber takes up a sur­face of πr2 but cre­ates a new sur­face of 2πrh. Since h is much larg­er than r, the new sur­face is also much larg­er, more pre­cise­ly 2πrh /​ πr2 = 2h/​r. A car­bon nanofiber with r = 20 nm and h = 20 µm thus increas­es the area by a whop­ping fac­tor of 1,000.

It is this capac­i­ty, as an area mul­ti­pli­er, that car­bon nanofiber is used in Smoltelk’s CNF-MIM capac­i­tor. They mul­ti­ply the sur­face area, which we then cov­er lay­er by lay­er with met­al, insu­la­tion, and more metal.

Sim­ply put, we start with a sub­strate on which we grow a for­est of car­bon nanofibers. Each car­bon nanofiber is then coat­ed in met­al. Next, we add a lay­er of insu­la­tion over the met­al-coat­ed nanofibers. Final­ly, we place anoth­er met­al lay­er on top of the insu­la­tion. This cre­ates a large met­al-insu­la­tion-met­al sur­face area rel­a­tive to its small volume.

Because a capacitor’s abil­i­ty to store ener­gy is pro­por­tion­al to its sur­face area, the capac­i­tance per unit vol­ume of CNF-MIM capac­i­tors is extreme­ly high. This allowed Smoltek to show­case a lab pro­to­type of the world’s thinnest capac­i­tor already in 2021.

Crossection Of Cnf Mim Capacitor By Smoltek

Meaning of the press release

Hafni­um oxide was used as insu­la­tion in the first batch­es of CNF-MIM capac­i­tors. Hafni­um oxide is a mate­r­i­al with high dielec­tric con­stant κ.

What the press release says is that Smoltek Semi’s researchers have devel­oped a brand new insu­la­tion that alone increas­es capac­i­tance den­si­ty by 230 per­cent com­pared to hafni­um oxide.

On the same sur­face area as before, we can now get more than three times the capac­i­tance. This means that Smoltek puts fur­ther dis­tance between itself and its competitors.

More­over, as icing on the cake, Smoltek’s engi­neers have reduced the inevitable leak­age cur­rent by 50 percent.

Dielectric stack

The new insu­la­tion con­sists of lay­er upon lay­er of two mate­ri­als. One mate­r­i­al has a very high dielec­tric con­stant κ, which means it can store a lot of ener­gy. The oth­er mate­r­i­al is a very good elec­tri­cal insu­la­tor, which means it acts as a bar­ri­er to leak­age current.

We call the new mate­r­i­al a dielec­tric stack, because it is a stack of lay­ers of the two mate­ri­als, and it has a high dielec­tric con­stant κ.

Yageo is testing

To bet­ter under­stand the prop­er­ties of the new dielec­tric stack, we began by using it in the sim­plest type of capac­i­tors: par­al­lel plate capac­i­tors. As the name sug­gests, these con­sist of two par­al­lel met­al plates with the dielec­tric stack between them. This design lets us study the dielec­tric stack’s char­ac­ter­is­tics with­out inter­fer­ence from oth­er factors.

We have man­u­fac­tured these capac­i­tors and sent them to Yageo for reli­a­bil­i­ty test­ing and fur­ther char­ac­ter­i­za­tion. Mean­while, we’ve already moved on to the next phase: inte­grat­ing the new dielec­tric stack into CNF-MIM capacitors.

As Yageo car­ries out its test­ing and the first CNF-MIM capac­i­tors are pro­duced using the new dielec­tric stack, Smoltek’s CTO, Farzan Gha­vani­ni, reviews the ini­tial results with sat­is­fac­tion and enthu­si­asm. With a 230 per­cent increase in capac­i­tance, a 50 per­cent reduc­tion in leak­age cur­rent, and a flaw­less 100 per­cent fab­ri­ca­tion yield, he is gen­uine­ly thrilled by this breakthrough.

What does this mean to you?

So, what does this mean for you as a share­hold­er and investor?

This means that Smoltek is not just keep­ing up in a com­pet­i­tive indus­try but also active­ly pulling ahead. With a 230 per­cent increase in capac­i­tance and a 50 per­cent reduc­tion in leak­age cur­rent, Smoltek has set a new bench­mark in per­for­mance. This break­through strength­ens our mar­ket posi­tion and makes our tech­nol­o­gy even more attrac­tive to major play­ers in the semi­con­duc­tor indus­try. It’s not just a tech­ni­cal achievement—it’s a com­mer­cial advan­tage that could lead to new part­ner­ships and a faster path to mar­ket adoption.

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