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The subscription period has started

Smoltek has been approved for listing of the company’s shares at Aktietorget. The subscription period for the IPO has now started. 1 117 300 shares are offered which corresponds to 20 MSEK.

January 29, 2018

Sub­scrip­tion com­mit­ments cor­re­spond­ing to 10,0 MSEK has been obtained in con­junc­tion with the issue. The sub­scrip­tion peri­od lasts between Jan­u­ary 29 and Feb­ru­ary 9.

The CEO of the nan­otech com­pa­ny, Anders Johans­son, looks for­ward to going pub­lic. He is pleased with the approval at Aktietorget:
“This is a mile­stone for Smoltek! There is a great inter­est for the com­pa­ny and the pub­lic share issue that starts today (Jan­u­ary 29). Half of the share issue is already secured through sub­scrip­tion com­mit­ments. We are now gear­ing up and the IPO at Akti­eTor­get will be the sup­port­ing plat­form for that”, says Anders Johansson.

About Smoltek

Smoltek was found­ed in 2005 and is based in Gothen­burg, Swe­den. Smoltek spe­cial­izes in devel­op­ment of nanos­truc­ture fab­ri­ca­tion tech­nol­o­gy for the glob­al semi­con­duc­tor indus­try. Smoltek has a port­fo­lio of 65 patent assets, where­of 48 are grant­ed. Smoltek is address­ing the Advanced Pack­ag­ing mar­ket which is esti­mat­ed by Research & Mar­kets in a mar­ket update from Sep­tem­ber 2017 to grow with an aver­age of 7,19 per­cent per year (CAGR) dur­ing the peri­od 2016–2022 and have a mar­ket val­ue of $40,33 bil­lion in 2022.

Offer before the IPO at Aktietorget

Sub­scrip­tion price: 17,90 SEK per share
Sub­scrip­tion peri­od: Jan­u­ary 29 – Feb­ru­ary 9 2018
Issuance vol­ume: 20,0 MSEK
Sub­scrip­tion com­mit­ments: 10,0 MSEK, 50,0 % of the offer
First day of trad­ing: Feb­ru­ary 26 2018

Part­ner Fond­kom­mis­sion is our finan­cial advisor.

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