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Anders L + Wirebonded Stv Pp Caps

Smoltek’s zirconia based dielectric stack passes preliminary 1,000-hour reliability test

We are pleased to announce that the new zirconia based dielectric stack, previously reported to show 230% improvement in capacitance density, has now passed the 1,000-hour DC life test, a preliminary reliability test, carried out by capacitor manufacturer Yageo.

December 18, 2024

In Septem­ber, Smol­tek Semi star­ted test­ing its newly developed zir­conia based dielec­tric stack for reli­ab­il­ity. The eval­u­ation has been car­ried out by Smoltek’s part­ner, Yageo, on spe­cially designed test capa­cit­ors incor­por­at­ing the new stack*.

We have now received the res­ults after the 1,000-hour mark, which show zero fail­ures and only very minor changes in key per­form­ance indic­at­ors of the capa­cit­or, such as capa­cit­ance value and leak­age cur­rent. These res­ults are very encour­aging and increase our con­fid­ence that the CNF-MIM capa­cit­ors fab­ric­ated using the same dielec­tric stack will also pass the reli­ab­il­ity test.

DC life test is an import­ant com­pon­ent of the full reli­ab­il­ity test com­monly imple­men­ted on capa­cit­ors.

Anders Lun­d­gren, Pro­ject Man­ager at Smol­tek Semi.

* The capa­cit­ors were sub­jec­ted to a DC life test tar­get­ing 1,000 hours dur­ing which they were biased at 2.0V DC and were exposed to 85°C.

Close-up of wire bonded test capacitors on the PCB
Close-up of wire bon­ded test capa­cit­ors on the PCB.

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