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Ellinor Ehrnberg, President of Smoltek Innovation

Smoltek reduces investment costs for green hydrogen production

Within the business area Hydrogen, Smoltek develops a high-performance cell material for electrolyzers, where an electrolyzer is the system that uses renewable electricity to split water into oxygen and hydrogen.

September 20, 2022

Smoltek’s mate­r­i­al is based on car­bon nanofibers and pro­vides a new solu­tion for the cat­a­lyst lay­er on the anode side of the cell stack in PEM elec­trolyz­ers. The elec­trolyz­er is a mar­ket that is grow­ing expo­nen­tial­ly due to the huge invest­ments that are now being made world­wide to enable the pro­duc­tion of green hydro­gen. For exam­ple, Glob­al Mar­ket Insights Inc* esti­mates that the mar­ket for elec­trolyz­ers will be val­ued at around SEK 650 bil­lion glob­al­ly in 2030.

The three-dimen­sion­al struc­ture of our cell mate­r­i­al increas­es the cur­rent den­si­ty to such an extent that the elec­trolyz­er size can be reduced by up to a fac­tor of three, while the usage of the expen­sive mate­r­i­al irid­i­um can be reduced by over 80%. Togeth­er, this makes it sig­nif­i­cant­ly cheap­er to build new hydro­gen plants, which is cru­cial for the rapid growth of what is being called the new green hydro­gen economy.

“We are look­ing for­ward to a very excit­ing autumn. The results of the two ongo­ing demon­stra­tion projects and our new com­pe­tent employ­ees are crit­i­cal mile­stones for the devel­op­ment of pro­to­types, pilot plants and cus­tomer projects. Addi­tion­al­ly, it is real­ly inspir­ing to see increas­ing val­i­da­tion of the boom­ing hydro­gen econ­o­my and how large it will become. Coun­try after coun­try sur­pass­es each oth­er in the enor­mous sums that they are invest­ing in the hydro­gen expan­sion. The lack of nat­ur­al gas is push­ing things even fur­ther in this direction,”

says Elli­nor Ehrn­berg, Pres­i­dent of Smoltek Innovation

* Elec­trolyz­er Mar­ket worth over $65 Bn by 2030

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