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Genius Steampunk Scientist Developing Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer

Is Smoltek Hydrogen ahead of the game?

How does Smoltek's hydrogen business division compare with other PEM electrolyzer players? Smoltek Hydrogen’s president, Ellinor Ehrnberg, attended the 244th ECS meeting in Gothenburg and has the answer. In this interview, she also talks about the challenges of the industry and ways to deal with them.

In ear­ly Octo­ber 2023, The Elec­tro­chem­i­cal Soci­ety (ECS) held its 244th meet­ing in Gothen­burg. Smoltek Hydro­gen was there with both a speak­er at the con­fer­ence and a booth at the exhi­bi­tion. The pur­pose was main­ly to meet poten­tial part­ners and cus­tomers. But it was also an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty for Smoltek to bench­mark itself against some of the world’s lead­ing researchers from indus­try and academia.

ECS 244th meeting

Smoltek wasn’t alone at the ECS 244th meet­ing. More than 3,400 researchers and indus­tri­al­ists participated.

“Many came from the USA, which is the home of ECS,” says Elli­nor Ehrn­berg. “But a sur­pris­ing num­ber came from Asia, espe­cial­ly Japan and Korea. I think it’s great because there are two giant LNG countries.”

LNG countries

LNG-coun­tries? What does it mean?

“Just as coal has been an impor­tant ener­gy source for the indus­try in Ger­many, liq­ue­fied nat­ur­al gas, LNG, is an impor­tant ener­gy source for the indus­try in Japan and Korea,” Elli­nor Ehrn­berg explains.

“Both coun­tries import large amounts of LNG. Their indus­tries need to replace nat­ur­al gas with some­thing more cli­mate-friend­ly. As they are used to han­dle ener­gy gas, hydro­gen is a nat­ur­al alter­na­tive ”, says Elli­nor Ehrn­berg, and uses Toy­ota as an example:

“Toy­ota dares to devel­op a mid-size hydro­gen fuel cell vehi­cle while the rest of the auto­mo­tive indus­try sole­ly focus­es on bat­tery-pow­ered cars. I believe the con­fi­dence to go their way comes part­ly from Japan’s expe­ri­ence with LNG.”

Opportunity for comparison

It’s not because Elli­nor Ehrn­berg is a pro­po­nent of fuel cells that she is hap­py to see many from Japan and Korea at the con­fer­ence and on the exhi­bi­tion floor.

“Pro­ton-exchange mem­branes are used in both fuel cells and elec­trolyz­ers. This means that many tech­no­log­i­cal advances made in the research and indus­tri­al­iza­tion of mem­branes for fuel cells are direct­ly trans­fer­able to PEM elec­trolyz­ers and vice ver­sa,” says Elli­nor Ehrnberg.

The ECS 244th meet­ing attract­ed many top tal­ents in the indus­try, many of whom are from Asia, giv­ing Elli­nor Ehrn­berg and her team a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to bench­mark their tech­nol­o­gy with others.

“Much research and devel­op­ment of pro­ton-exchange mem­branes is done with­out pub­lish­ing results. But, most peo­ple tend to be out­spo­ken and share infor­ma­tion at an event like this. So, we need to par­tic­i­pate to learn more about oth­ers’ approach­es and results.”

Before we exam­ine the approach­es tak­en by dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies and labs and the results they have achieved, we must under­stand the prob­lem that fuel cell and elec­trolyz­er man­u­fac­tur­ers are try­ing to solve.

The center of the magic

A mem­brane is at the cen­ter of the mag­ic, where water is split into hydro­gen and oxy­gen. It blocks elec­trons but allows pro­tons to pass through – hence the name Pro­ton Exchange Mem­brane (PEM).

On both sides of the mem­brane are elec­trodes. An elec­trode is a fan­cy term for an elec­tri­cal con­duc­tor in con­tact with a non­metal­lic part of a cir­cuit (in this case, water). One of the elec­trodes is con­nect­ed to the pos­i­tive ter­mi­nal of a pow­er source and is called the anode. The oth­er is con­nect­ed to the neg­a­tive ter­mi­nal of the same pow­er source and is called the cath­ode.

The trick

The pow­er source wants to push out elec­trons at the cath­ode and pull in an equal num­ber at the anode. How­ev­er, this is not pos­si­ble because the mem­brane blocks elec­trons. And here comes the trick:

We add water between the anode and the mem­brane. For the pow­er source to draw elec­trons at the anode, water mol­e­cules (H2O) must split into two hydro­gen atoms (2H) and one oxy­gen atom (O). The two hydro­gen atoms then give up their sin­gle elec­tron (2e-) and become two hydro­gen ions (2H+).


(There is always a but in any good story.)

Oxygen fights back

The oxy­gen atom fights back. It doesn’t want to let go of the hydro­gen unless it makes a new friend. Oxy­gen atoms pre­fer to stick togeth­er in pairs (O2). How­ev­er, this requires two water mol­e­cules to split up vir­tu­al­ly simul­ta­ne­ous­ly and close to each oth­er, which doesn’t hap­pen very often. So, to speed up the process, some­thing is need­ed for the oxy­gen atoms to hold hands with while they look for a mate to merge with.

What do oxy­gen atoms like as much as them­selves? Met­al. Oxy­gen loves met­al so much that it forms an oxide with it. If the met­al is iron or steel, we call this oxide rust. And trust me, rust is not desir­able in a PEM electrolyzer.

Iridium enters the scene

So, are there any met­als that attract oxy­gen with­out per­ish­ing in the relationship?

Yes, there are. They are col­lec­tive­ly called plat­inum-group met­als: ruthe­ni­um, rhodi­um, pal­la­di­um, osmi­um, irid­i­um, and plat­inum. And the most resis­tant of them all is…

Drum­roll, please.

Yes, you guessed it: Iridium.

The reaction

Irid­i­um is a safe place for oxy­gen atoms to land while wait­ing for a new part­ner. When two oxy­gen atoms land next to each oth­er, they let go of the irid­i­um and com­bine to become oxy­gen (O2).

Thus, we have the fol­low­ing reac­tion on the anode side in a PEM electrolyzer:

2H2O → 4H+ + 4e- + O2

On the oth­er side of the mem­brane, the cath­ode spouts out elec­trons. The hydro­gen ions (H+) are attract­ed to these excess elec­trons, so they migrate through the mem­brane. (Remem­ber that a hydro­gen atom is just a pro­ton with an elec­tron, so when the elec­tron is gone, the hydro­gen ion is a pro­ton, which can pass through the membrane.)

Once on the oth­er side, each hydro­gen ion joins with an elec­tron to become a hydro­gen atom. Then, the hydro­gen atoms join togeth­er in pairs to form hydro­gen gas (H2).

And just like that, we have pro­duced hydro­gen gas from just water and electricity.

Sim­ple, huh?

The challenge

Of course, it’s not that simple.

Water has to flow around the irid­i­um for the reac­tion to take place. The irid­i­um should be in con­tact with the mem­brane to allow the hydro­gen ions to cross over to the oth­er side. The irid­i­um must be elec­tri­cal­ly con­nect­ed to a pow­er source to pull the elec­trons in. And the oxy­gen gas has to be dis­si­pat­ed. All this hap­pens only on the anode side of the membrane.

On the cath­ode side, the mem­brane must be in con­tact with the cath­ode so that the hydro­gen ions can com­bine with elec­trons to form hydro­gen atoms, which must then be trans­port­ed away to be utilized.

Anoth­er thing to con­sid­er is that the more irid­i­um in con­tact with the mem­brane, the more water can be bro­ken down into hydro­gen and oxy­gen. How­ev­er, you can’t just cov­er one side of the mem­brane with irid­i­um because it would block the hydro­gen ions from pass­ing through the membrane.

The stack

The solu­tion is to build a stack called Mem­brane Elec­trode Assem­bly (MEA). Elli­nor Ehrn­berg describes how a typ­i­cal MEA is built:

“Small grains of irid­i­um are mixed in a sol­vent, and the result is used as ‘ink’ to make screen prints on the anode side of the mem­brane. The result is called a Cat­a­lyst Coat­ed Mem­brane.

“On top of the cat­a­lyst coat­ing, a lay­er of elec­tri­cal­ly con­duc­tive and porous mate­r­i­al is added to con­duct elec­tric­i­ty and water to the mem­brane and allow oxy­gen to escape. This is called the porous trans­port lay­er or PTL. Anoth­er PTL is added on the oth­er side of the mem­brane to allow hydro­gen to escape.”

“Final­ly, the whole thing is firm­ly pressed togeth­er to ensure that the mem­brane, the irid­i­um, and the porous trans­port lay­er come into con­tact with each oth­er,” Elli­nor Ehrn­berg con­cludes the explanation.

This sounds like an ele­gant solu­tion. But there is a catch.

Waste of iridium

“The sur­face of the porous trans­port lay­er is… porous. It is not smooth. When every­thing is pressed togeth­er to make con­tact, its rough­ness can dam­age the cat­a­lyst coat­ing, break­ing the con­duc­tive path nec­es­sary for elec­tron flow,” explains Elli­nor Ehrnberg.

The solu­tion is to apply sev­er­al lay­ers of cat­a­lyst coat­ing on top of each oth­er. But this is a sig­nif­i­cant waste of irid­i­um because most grains of irid­i­um end up inside the lay­er. They don’t come into con­tact with water and the mem­brane and don’t con­tribute to hydro­gen production.

This would not be a prob­lem if irid­i­um were not so rare.

Extremely rare

Irid­i­um is extreme­ly rare; only sev­en to eight tons can be extract­ed annu­al­ly. This lim­it­ed avail­abil­i­ty con­tributes to the met­al’s high cost. As of Octo­ber 2023, iridium’s mar­ket price exceeds USD 160,000 per kilogram.

Each PEM-elec­trolyz­er doesn’t use much irid­i­um. Cat­a­lyst-coat­ed mem­brane uses about two mil­ligrams of irid­i­um per square cen­time­ter (2 mg/​cm2). But it adds up to a lot, and with the rapid­ly grow­ing demand, it will soon cause the demand for irid­i­um to exceed the supply.

So, some­thing must be done.

The holy grail

Part of the solu­tion is recov­er­ing irid­i­um from end-of-life PEM elec­trolyz­ers. But that alone is not enough. To meet demand and keep the use of vir­gin irid­i­um at an accept­able lev­el, the amount of irid­i­um per square cen­time­ter of the mem­brane must be reduced to one-twen­ti­eth of the cur­rent amount.

That’s why 0.1 mil­ligrams of irid­i­um per square cen­time­ter mem­brane (0.1 mg/​cm2) is the industry’s holy grail.

Smoltek makes it possible

Smoltek Hydrogen’s tech­nol­o­gy actu­al­ly makes it pos­si­ble to get as low as 0.1 mil­ligrams of irid­i­um per square cen­time­ter in the near future.

“We’re not quite there yet, but we’re well on our way,” says Elli­nor Ehrn­berg and con­tin­ues: “In the lab, we have reached 0.5 mil­ligrams per square cen­time­ter and expect to reach 0.1 mil­ligrams soon.”

But how far have oth­ers come? This was the ques­tion that Elli­nor Ehrn­berg and her team sought to answer dur­ing the 244th ECS meet­ing in Gothenburg.

The classic route

The most com­mon route is to replace the sol­id grains of irid­i­um with sol­id grains of cheap­er mate­ri­als and put irid­i­um on the out­side, either as a shell or par­ti­cle by particle.

With this tech­nique, labs can reduce irid­i­um to 0.3 mil­ligrams per square cen­time­ter mem­brane (0.3 mg/​cm2). But that’s about as far as it goes, accord­ing to Elli­nor Ehrnberg:

“The coat­ing must still have a cer­tain thick­ness, which inevitably means that grains inside the lay­er can­not come into con­tact. So, even if you have reduced the amount of irid­i­um by replac­ing the core with cheap­er mate­ri­als, you are still wast­ing a lot.”

Although 0.3 mil­ligrams is a rad­i­cal improve­ment, albeit so far only in lab­o­ra­to­ries, Smoltek’s goal is still three times more ambi­tious. With Smoltek’s tech­nol­o­gy, pro­duc­ing three times as much hydro­gen for the same amount of irid­i­um will be possible.

So, while the cur­rent tech­nol­o­gy can be great­ly improved, Smoltek’s tech­nol­o­gy will still have a sig­nif­i­cant com­pet­i­tive advantage.

Is there no one else who can reach the same low lev­el as Smoltek? Truth to be told, there is.

The high-performance route

Los Alam­os Nation­al Lab – per­haps best known for the atom­ic bomb – has cho­sen the same path as Smoltek. Instead of try­ing to improve a flawed idea – the Cat­a­lyst Coat­ed Mem­brane – both have cho­sen a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent route.

The idea is to cre­ate fibers that run like spikes between the porous trans­port lay­er and the mem­brane. The fibers are coat­ed with plat­inum to pro­tect them from the cor­ro­sive envi­ron­ment. Nanopar­ti­cles of irid­i­um are attached to the out­side of the plat­inum sur­face of the fibers. In this way, each par­ti­cle comes into con­tact with water and con­tributes to hydro­gen production.

“They have cho­sen the same path as us, and for me, that proves we are doing the right thing,” says Elli­nor Ehrnberg.

Oh dear. Same solu­tion. That can­not be good for Smoltek Hydrogen.

Different solutions

“There are cru­cial dif­fer­ences,” assures Elli­nor Ehrnberg.

Unlike Smoltek, Los Alam­os Nation­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry has cho­sen to cre­ate the fibers in the same mate­r­i­al as the mem­brane. These fibers are “pulled out” of the mem­brane and bent at the top so that they touch each oth­er. This cre­ates two prob­lems, accord­ing to Elli­nor Ehrnberg:

“First, when a mem­brane elec­trode assem­bly is man­u­fac­tured, the porous trans­port lay­er is pressed with great force against the mem­brane. That’s no prob­lem for Smoltek’s strong car­bon nanofibers, but it may be chal­leng­ing for Los Alam­os fibers. They are made of nafion, a soft poly­mer that read­i­ly bends under pressure.”

“Sec­ond, Los Alam­os fibers must be bent at the tips to make elec­tri­cal con­tact, which can impair water flow and oxy­gen dissipation.”

Key competitive advantage

But per­haps the most impor­tant com­pet­i­tive advan­tage, accord­ing to Elli­nor Ehrn­berg, is Smoltek’s head start.

“My team is work­ing in two par­al­lel tracks. We are refin­ing our tech­nol­o­gy to achieve 0.1 mil­ligrams of irid­i­um per square cen­time­ter. And at the same time, we are devel­op­ing an indus­tri­al man­u­fac­tur­ing process. Our plan is to com­bine the two tracks in a pilot plant to be com­plet­ed in 2025.”

Los Alam­os Nation­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry is not work­ing on indus­tri­al­iza­tion at all. On a direct ques­tion from an employ­ee at Smoltek, Jacob S. Spende­low, who pre­sent­ed the results from Los Alam­os Nation­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry dur­ing the ECS 244th meet­ing, answered that they “wish” for a part­ner to indus­tri­al­ize the technology.


To sum­ma­rize, Elli­nor Ehrn­berg is delight­ed with what she and her team learned dur­ing the ECS 244th meet­ing in Gothenburg.

She feels con­fi­dent that Smoltek has cho­sen the right path. The clas­sic route – adding lay­er upon lay­er of irid­i­um grains – will always waste the scarce met­al. To reach the holy grail – 0.1 mil­ligrams of irid­i­um per square cen­time­ter (0.1 mg/​cm2) – man­u­fac­tur­ers must fol­low Smoltek’s path.

Although oth­ers are look­ing at the same path, Elli­nor Ehrn­berg is con­vinced that Smoltek is ahead of the game.

“We don’t know of any com­pa­ny that has come as far as us,” she con­fi­dent­ly assures. “Oth­ers strug­gle with reduc­ing irid­i­um, obtain­ing suf­fi­cient life­time, or scal­ing up.”What are your thoughts on Smoltek Hydro­gen’s future? Leave your com­ments on LinkedIn.

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