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Smoltek can reduce contact resistance in electrolyzers and fuel cells

Smoltek has three new patents granted – in three new and separate patent families, all related to how our technology can reduce contact resistance between different layers in electrochemical cells, mainly for use in electrolyzers and fuel cells. These new patents also bring our IP portfolio to comprise 87 granted patents.

February 28, 2024

Smoltek has been award­ed three new patent grants. Each one of these relates to a new patent fam­i­ly, all of them describ­ing how we can use Smoltek’s core tech­nol­o­gy for reduc­ing con­tact resis­tance in elec­tro­chem­i­cal cells.

Elec­tro­chem­i­cal cells are found in wide­spread appli­ca­tions in mod­ern ener­gy sys­tems, such as bat­ter­ies, fuel cells and elec­trolyz­ers. How­ev­er, exist­ing chem­i­cal cells pos­sess high con­tact resis­tance between dif­fer­ent com­po­nents of the cell which leads to low­er effi­cien­cy. This prob­lem may even be wors­ened by the for­ma­tion of non-con­duct­ing sur­face lay­ers on some com­po­nents due to the harsh envi­ron­ment of the cell.

With these three new patent fam­i­lies, we are real­ly strength­en­ing the scope our IP port­fo­lio with­in the field of increas­ing the effi­cien­cy in elec­tro­chem­i­cal cells, both for elec­trolyz­ers and fuel cells

Fabi­an Wenger, Head of R&D at Smoltek Hydrogen

Inno­va­tion descrip­tion of the new patent fam­i­lies
Con­tact Resis­tance patent fam­i­ly: The Inno­va­tion improve a sep­a­ra­tor plate arrange­ment for an elec­tro­chem­i­cal cell by com­pris­ing a nanos­truc­ture which offers low­ered con­tact resis­tance between the sep­a­ra­tor ele­ment and the dif­fu­sion layer.

Nano Vel­cro patent fam­i­ly: The Inno­va­tion improves the inter­lay­er con­nec­tions in elec­tro­chem­i­cal cells by using elon­gat­ed nanos­truc­tures that are mechan­i­cal­ly entan­gled between the layers.

Ver­ti­cal Graphene patent fam­i­ly: The Inno­va­tion offer low­ered con­tact resis­tance between sep­a­ra­tor ele­ments and adja­cent com­po­nents in elec­tro­chem­i­cal cells and increase resis­tance to corrosion.

It is very valu­able for us to have a plat­form of patents that have wider areas of use than in just PEM elec­trolyz­ers, espe­cial­ly when we are talk­ing to dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies in the hydro­gen indus­try, who often work both with fuel cells and sev­er­al dif­fer­ent types of elec­trolyz­ers. This opens new oppor­tu­ni­ties for our business.

Elli­nor Ehrn­berg, Pres­i­dent of Smoltek Hydrogen

Smoltek’s patent port­fo­lio now glob­al­ly com­pris­es 87 grant­ed patents. Read more about our IP and patents.

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