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Smol­tek is solv­ing advanced mater­i­als engin­eer­ing prob­lems that enable future tech­no­logy leaps. For the semi­con­duct­or industry Smol­tek Semi is devel­op­ing a dis­rupt­ive solu­tion for the next gen­er­a­tion capa­cit­ors in advanced chips. Smol­tek Semi’s CNF-MIM capa­cit­ors enables very high elec­tric­al per­form­ance in an extremely small form factor.

Smol­tek Semi is attend­ing SEMICON Taiwan, Septem­ber 4–6. The con­fer­ence is arranged by and the for­um con­tain many top­ics like MEMS, sensors, sil­ic­on photon­ics, quantum com­put­ing and advanced package.

Don’t miss the oppor­tun­ity to con­nect with us on site!
Please con­tact Chin­Jung Kuo, , phone: 886 911 172 006

Sum­mits we plan to attend:
3D IC/​CoWoS for AI Sum­mit
FOPLP Innov­a­tion For­um

- See you Septem­ber, 4–6, 2024 at TaiNEX 1&2, Taipei

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