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Premier for investor relations blog

This is the first post in a blog dedicated solely to shareholders and investors. It’s a vital part of an effort to provide background and expand on our news. Read more about the initiative in this post.

I agree. We have com­mu­ni­cat­ed what is required, and a bit more, but not near­ly as much as our share­hold­ers and investors would have liked. Full stop. Peri­od. End of story.

That will change now.

How? you wonder.

I’m glad you asked. Before I answer, I want to clar­i­fy that we will not remove or change any­thing in the exist­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion. We will con­tin­ue to send out reports and press releas­es, pub­lish news and occa­sion­al YouTube videos, and dis­trib­ute our email newslet­ter from time to time. (Don’t for­get to sub­scribe to the newslet­ter, if you haven’t already.)

What’s chang­ing is what we are adding.

Content for shareholders and investors

We are adding con­tent focused on the inter­ests of our share­hold­ers and investors. The con­tent is pub­lished in three dif­fer­ent for­mats and channels:

  • A blog ded­i­cat­ed sole­ly to share­hold­ers and investors (you are read­ing it right now),
  • A brand new LinkedIn page for investor rela­tions, and
  • A new series of ‘fol­low me around’ style YouTube videos made exclu­sive­ly for share­hold­ers and investors.

Pret­ty good, huh?

I’m glad you agree. But I sense some doubt. Will we rehash the same con­tent that we put out in the already exist­ing channels?

No, that’s not the plan.

What it’s about

We aim to expand on tech­ni­cal and finan­cial news, pro­vide some back­ground, and clar­i­fy what makes it note­wor­thy and how it con­tributes to our business.

We also want to show what we do and put it in con­text to help you bet­ter under­stand its busi­ness value.

And final­ly, we will do our best to answer your ques­tions as far as the stock mar­ket reg­u­la­tions allow us.

We will pub­lish the con­tent as longer posts here, on the blog, or as videos on YouTube, and share or sum­ma­rize it on LinkedIn. So make sure you sub­scribe to all three (or at least one) to avoid miss­ing out.

Easygoing and enjoyable

You may have noticed that the tone of this post isn’t as aus­tere and aca­d­e­m­ic as most of what we pub­lish. That’s because we want to make it easy and enjoy­able for our share­hold­ers and investors to learn what we do and how we do business.

We believe that the best investors and share­hold­ers are those who under­stand our oper­a­tions and busi­ness and believe in what we do. It’s a lot to ask for, giv­en that what we do is high­ly tech­ni­cal­ly and com­mer­cial­ly advanced. But we have faith in you.

Over to you

What do you think about our ini­tia­tive? Is it a step in the right direc­tion regard­ing share­hold­er and investor rela­tions? Head over to our new LinkedIn page and leave a com­ment on the post sum­ma­riz­ing this article.

And by the way, don’t for­get to fol­low the new LinkedIn page.

See you soon!

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