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Making space for the next leap

Tech­nol­o­gy dri­ves the world for­ward. Smoltek is ready to make space for the next tech­no­log­i­cal leap in the semi­con­duc­tor and hydro­gen industries.

Our patent-pro­tect­ed tech­nol­o­gy rad­i­cal­ly increas­es the avail­able sur­face for chem­i­cal and elec­tri­cal process­es, enabling more com­pact, ener­gy-effi­cient, pow­er­ful and cost-effi­cient products.

Illustration of how Smoltek's technology reduces the form factor by more than 50%.

Unleashing performance for semiconductors

The num­ber of tran­sis­tors on microchips is dou­bled every sec­ond year, dri­ven by the quest for more com­put­ing pow­er. With our tech­nol­o­gy for ultra-thin capac­i­tors that make space on microchips, the semi­con­duc­tor indus­try can once again meet ris­ing demands for high­er performance.

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Illustration of how Smoltek's technology reduces the need for iridium by up to 95%.

Unleashing the scale-up of green hydrogen

The inter­est in green hydro­gen is tak­ing off, but the cur­rent need for irid­i­um dri­ves costs, mak­ing upscal­ing dif­fi­cult. With our tech­nol­o­gy for com­pact elec­trolyz­ers using a min­i­mum of pre­cious cat­a­lyst par­ti­cles, the green hydro­gen indus­try can turn prospects into business.

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A young man looks at his smartphone while travelling on public transport.

Semiconductors – present almost everywhere

Approx­i­mate­ly 1,000 bil­lion semi­con­duc­tors are pro­duced world­wide annu­al­ly. To under­stand the mag­ni­tude of the busi­ness, that num­ber cor­re­sponds to 125 semi­con­duc­tors per per­son and year. Mod­ern elec­tric cars usu­al­ly con­tain 2,000 semiconductors.

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Green hydrogen – for a fossil free future

A rapid­ly evolv­ing mar­ket. In 2021, the glob­al PEM (Pro­ton-exchange mem­brane) elec­trolyz­er mar­ket was val­ued at USD 737 mil­lion. This fig­ure is expect­ed to rise to almost USD 4,3 bil­lion in 2027.

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Pushing the limits of nanotechnology

Smoltek is devel­op­ing process tech­nol­o­gy and con­cepts for appli­ca­tions in order to solve advanced mate­ri­als engi­neer­ing prob­lems. By pio­neer­ing car­bon nan­otech­nol­o­gy we are lit­er­al­ly push­ing the lim­its of what is pos­si­ble in the semi­con­duc­tor and hydro­gen industries.

Our patent pro­tect­ed tech­nol­o­gy plat­form is based on car­bon nanofibers (CNFs), which have very excit­ing prop­er­ties, that may dis­rupt tech­ni­cal solu­tions where today’s mate­ri­als have reached their lim­it of performance.

As an exam­ple, we have devel­oped a pro­to­type of the world’s small­est capac­i­tor and we are devel­op­ing a new cell-mate­r­i­al with the ambi­tion to dou­ble (or even triple) the area-effi­cien­cy of PEM water-electrolyzers.

Learn about our technology

A passion that never fades

We are sci­en­tists and engi­neers with a pas­sion for nan­otech­nol­o­gy. We are in the nev­er-end­ing search of how to enhance and fab­ri­cate car­bon nanos­truc­tures, with unique prop­er­ties, in pre-defined pat­terns to enable bet­ter solu­tions with­in sev­er­al industries.

Read about Smoltek

Join the journey as investor

The Smoltek share is list­ed on Spot­light Stock Mar­ket. We are now in an indus­tri­al­iza­tion phase where we focus on two sec­tors with enor­mous poten­tial: Semi­con­duc­tors and Hydro­gen. We plan to begin vol­ume pro­duc­tion in 2024–2026. Join our journey!

Dis­cov­er our share

A career in nanotechnology

Smoltek is on a mis­sion to deliv­er dis­rup­tive solu­tions for the semi­con­duc­tor and hydro­gen indus­tries, based on our nan­otech­nol­o­gy plat­form. Does this sound inter­est­ing? Join us, and become a super­star with­in ground­break­ing technology!

Make your move

Latest news and insights

Pat No 93 Illustration 3

Smoltek has been awarded another patent for improving capacitor density

Smoltek has been award­ed anoth­er patent in the Mul­ti­lay­er Cap patent fam­i­ly. The inno­va­tion in this patent fam­i­ly intro­duces a MIM-capac­i­tor device that can dou­ble or triple the capac­i­tance den­si­ty of our CNF-MIM capacitors. 

Ellinor Ehrnberg, President Smoltek Hydrogen

Smoltek’s low-iridium PTE reach target of 0.1 mg iridium/​​cm2

Smoltek Hydro­gen has pro­duced hydro­gen with only 0.1 mg of irid­i­um per square cen­time­ter in a 250-hour dura­bil­i­ty test – mak­ing our PTE a break­through tech­nol­o­gy for PEM electrolyzers.

Anders L + Wirebonded Stv Pp Caps

Smoltek’s zirconia based dielectric stack passes preliminary 1,000-hour reliability test

We are pleased to announce that the new zir­co­nia based dielec­tric stack, pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed to show 230% improve­ment in capac­i­tance den­si­ty, has now passed the 1,000-hour DC life test, a pre­lim­i­nary reli­a­bil­i­ty test, car­ried out by capac­i­tor man­u­fac­tur­er Yageo. 

2024 12 Skytech Visit 2

Smoltek and Taiwanese Skytech discuss future collaboration

Dr. Farzan Gha­vani­ni, CTO of Smoltek has been on a week-long busi­ness trip to Tai­wan to vis­it some of our col­lab­o­ra­tion part­ners for CNF-MIM capac­i­tors, among those ALD-com­pa­ny Skytech. 

2024 12 Smoltek's Pte Technology Stands Out New

Smoltek’s PTE technology stands out

Lead­ing PEM tech­nol­o­gy expert Dr. Felix Büchi has com­plet­ed an inde­pen­dent assess­ment of Smoltek Hydrogen’s Porous Trans­port Elec­trode (PTE) tech­nol­o­gy, con­firm­ing its unique abil­i­ty to sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce irid­i­um usage while main­tain­ing the same high per­for­mance in hydro­gen pro­duc­tion as con­ven­tion­al technology.

2024 12 Tong Hsing Visit

Smoltek are in discussions about packaging requirements for CNF-MIM capacitors

Smoltek recent­ly vis­it­ed its Tai­wanese part­ner in advanced micro­elec­tron­ic pack­ag­ing to dis­cuss the spe­cif­ic require­ments for next gen­er­a­tions of Smoltek’s CNF-MIM (Car­bon Nanofiber-Met­al Insu­la­tor-Met­al) capacitors.

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