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Nanostructure E‑beam writer

The Nanostructure E-beam writer family is covering a method for the manufacture of an integrated circuit comprising nanostructures.

The inven­tion: A nano­struc­ture-based elec­tron beam writer. The innov­a­tion is an elec­tron beam writer that enables the cre­ation of car­bon nano­struc­tures with great pre­ci­sion and desired prop­er­ties. For example, it is pos­sible to cre­ate a single car­bon nan­ofiber (CNF) of a spe­cif­ic length, dia­met­er and slope at a spe­cif­ic location.

Granted patents relating to the innovation

Pat­ent OfficePat­ent
South KoreaKR101365341
South KoreaKR101386268
For more inform­a­tion about a par­tic­u­lar pat­ent, click on its name to view it on Google Patents.

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