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Wo2021211038a1 Multilayer Cap

Multilayer Cap

The Multilayer Cap patent family introduces a MIM-capacitor device that can double or triple the capacitance density of Smoltek's CNF-MIM capacitors. The patent details an invention for a layered energy storage device, specifically a capacitor, built using a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) configuration.

The inven­tion: A MIM energy stor­age device com­pris­ing a bot­tom elec­trode; a plur­al­ity of con­duct­ive ver­tic­al nano­struc­tures; con­form­ally coat­ing a bot­tom con­duct­ive con­trol lay­er of each of the plur­al­ity of con­duct­ive ver­tic­al nano­struc­tures; and a layered stack of altern­at­ing con­duct­ive con­trol lay­ers and elec­trode lay­ers con­form­ally coat­ing the bot­tom con­duct­ive con­trol lay­er, the layered stack includ­ing at least a first odd-numbered elec­trode lay­er at the bot­tom of the layered stack, a first odd-numbered con­duct­ive con­trol lay­er dir­ectly on the first odd-numbered elec­trode lay­er, and a first even-numbered elec­trode lay­er dir­ectly on the first odd-numbered con­duct­ive con­trol lay­er. Each even-numbered elec­trode lay­er in the layered stack is con­duct­ively con­nec­ted to the bot­tom elec­trode; and each odd-numbered elec­trode lay­er in the layered stack is con­duct­ively con­nec­ted to any oth­er odd-numbered elec­trode lay­er in the layered stack.

Granted patents relating to the innovation

Pat­ent OfficePat­ent
For more inform­a­tion about a par­tic­u­lar pat­ent, click on its name to view it on Google Patents.

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