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Miniaturized capacitors with carbon nanofibers

Smoltek has developed the world’s thinnest discrete capacitor. You have to stack ten of them on top of each other to reach the same height as today’s industry-standard when it comes to surface-mounted capacitors. The most amazing thing about this microscopic capacitor is its performance. One square millimeter has a capacitance of a whopping 650 nanofarads (650 nF/mm2). Read on for more details.

The world’s thinnest dis­crete capac­i­tor has a total build­ing height is less than thir­ty microm­e­ters (30 µm). The capac­i­tor itself, with­out encap­su­la­tion, is a mere 0.5 to 10 µm. It can be built direct­ly onto an inte­grat­ed circuit’s die or built into its inter­pos­er. One square mil­lime­ter has a capac­i­tance of a whop­ping 650 nano­farads (650 nF/​mm2). Its inter­nal resis­tance (ESR) is less than forty mil­liohms (40 mΩ), and its inter­nal induc­tance (ESL) is below fif­teen pico­hen­ry (15 pH).

Carbon nanofiber capacitors

We describe our capac­i­tor as a CNF-MIM capac­i­tor since it is a met­al-insu­la­tor-met­al (MIM) capac­i­tor where car­bon nanofibers (CNF) are used to cre­ate a much larg­er sur­face area hence high­er capac­i­tance than the form fac­tor suggest.

Technical data

  • Sol­id-state construction
  • Capac­i­tance den­si­ty: > 650 nF/​mm2
  • Equiv­a­lent series resis­tance (ESR): < 40 mΩ
  • Equiv­a­lent series induc­tance (ESL): < 15 pH
  • Break­down volt­age: Up to ~ 25 V
  • Leak­age cur­rent: ~ 4 mA/​F
  • Excel­lent capac­i­tance sta­bil­i­ty up to 150 °C

Applications for discrete CNF-MIM capacitors

A dis­crete CNF-MIM capac­i­tor has a small­er foot­print (area) and much thin­ner pro­file (z‑dimension) than any oth­er capac­i­tor with the same capac­i­tance. CNF-MIM capac­i­tors up to more than 650 nF can be made less than 30 µm in height. The actu­al form fac­tor can be var­ied accord­ing to the design and need.

As shown in the illus­tra­tions, a dis­crete CNF-MIM capac­i­tor can be

  • mount­ed on print­ed cir­cuit board (PCB)
  • embed­ded in PCB
  • mount­ed on chip interposer
  • embed­ded in chip interposer
  • mount­ed on chip die

Dis­crete CNF-MIM capac­i­tors are com­pat­i­ble with wafer to wafer (W2W) or die to wafer bond­ing (D2W).

Applications for integrated CNF-MIM capacitors

A CNF-MIM capac­i­tor can be inte­grat­ed direct­ly into chip die or chip inter­pos­er. The height of the inte­grat­ed capac­i­tors is a mere 0.5 to 10 µm. The ben­e­fits with inte­grat­ed CNF-MIM are many:

  • CMOS-com­pat­i­ble man­u­fac­tur­ing process
  • Unpar­al­leled design free­dom for cir­cuit designers
  • Pos­si­ble to man­u­fac­ture direct­ly on-chip
  • Clos­er to the cir­cuit where it is needed
  • Extreme­ly small 2D footprint
  • Very com­pact 3D volume
  • Elim­i­nates the need for inte­grat­ed dis­crete capacitors

As shown in the illus­tra­tions, a CNF-MIM capac­i­tor can be

  • inte­grat­ed with chip interposer
  • inte­grat­ed with built on-chip die

Discrete CNF-MIM capacitor compared to alternatives

Mul­ti­lay­er Ceram­ic Capac­i­tors (MLCC) form the indus­try stan­dard for sur­face-mount­ed device (SMD) capac­i­tors. Every year, tril­lions of MLCCs are built into all kinds of elec­tron­ic devices. They are 300 µm high. CNF-MIM offers the same capac­i­tance at a tenth of that height.

The minia­tur­iza­tion of elec­tron­ics is cre­at­ing a grow­ing need for ever small­er capac­i­tors. And some cir­cuits (such as Apple’s) use capac­i­tors that are state of the art. These use improve­ments of MLCC and Low Induc­tance Chip Capac­i­tors (LICCs) and Trench Sil­i­con Capac­i­tors (TSCs), all of which have a height of 80–100 µm.

How­ev­er, MLCC, LICC, and TSC strug­gle to go down in height due to mate­ri­als involved, pro­cess­ing schemes, and the cost of raw mate­ri­als and pro­cess­ing. At the same time, SiP and SoC con­tin­ue to become more com­pact. There is less and less space between inter­con­nects (bumps), and they are get­ting short­er. To fit capac­i­tors between the bumps, the capac­i­tors must have a small­er foot­print and, above all, be shorter—preferably less than 20 µm.

This is the prob­lem that CNF-MIM capac­i­tors solve. They have a much small­er foot­print and, above all, a much low­er height.

How a MIM capacitor works

A met­al-insu­la­tor-met­al capac­i­tor, or MIM capac­i­tor for short, has par­al­lel met­al plates with a thin lay­er of an elec­tric insu­la­tor between them. The sim­plest form of a MIM-capac­i­tor is the par­al­lel plate capacitor.

Now, imag­ine we con­nect a bat­tery to a MIM-capac­i­tor. Since no cur­rent can pass through the iso­la­tor, the elec­trons pushed into the plate on one side of the iso­la­tor build up a pos­i­tive charge. The elec­trons pulled out from the plate on the oth­er side of the iso­la­tor build a neg­a­tive charge. The charges increase respec­tive­ly decrease the elec­tri­cal poten­tial on the plates. The buildup con­tin­ues until the dif­fer­ence between the poten­tial is the same as the battery’s volt­age. The dif­fer­ence in charge between the two plates cre­ates an elec­tric field between them.

When the bat­tery is removed, the elec­tric field remains since the charges have nowhere to go. Only when the capac­i­tor is con­nect­ed to a closed cir­cuit, the charges in the capac­i­tor can flow. The capac­i­tor thus stores ener­gy in the form of an elec­tric field.

Any mate­r­i­al that does not con­duct cur­rent can be used as an elec­tri­cal insu­la­tor. But gen­er­al­ly, dielec­tric mate­ri­als are used.

Dielec­tric mate­r­i­al con­sists of atoms whose elec­trons can­not move freely enough to car­ry cur­rent like all insu­la­tors. But unlike mate­ri­als that are com­mon­ly called insu­la­tors, such as ceram­ics, dialec­tic mate­ri­als become polar­ized in the pres­ence of an elec­tric field. They have elec­trons that are so free to move that the elec­tric field pulls them away from the nucle­us. Fig­u­ra­tive­ly, the atom becomes elon­gat­ed, with one end being neg­a­tive­ly charged and the oth­er being pos­i­tive­ly charged.

Dielec­tric in a MIM capac­i­tor becomes polarised when the elec­tric field is built up due to the plates’ dif­fer­ent charges. Because of the polar­iza­tion, the pos­i­tive­ly charged plate comes into con­tact with the neg­a­tive ends of the atoms clos­est to it. That reduces its elec­tri­cal poten­tial. The oppo­site is hap­pen­ing at the neg­a­tive­ly charged plate. The bat­tery responds by push­ing in even more charges to main­tain the elec­tric poten­tials. Since capac­i­tance is a mea­sure of how much charge a capac­i­tor can store, the effect of using a dielec­tric is an increase in capacitance.

The ease with which a mate­r­i­al becomes polar­ized is pro­por­tion­al to its rel­a­tive per­mit­tiv­i­ty κ. The high­er the rel­a­tive per­mit­tiv­i­ty, the eas­i­er the mate­r­i­al becomes polar­ized. Thus, a dielec­tric with a high rel­a­tive per­mit­tiv­i­ty should be cho­sen to make a small capacitor.

How to make the worlds thinnest capacitor

To cre­ate a capac­i­tor with a min­i­mal foot­print and height, we use car­bon nanofibers (CNFs) to mul­ti­ply the con­tact area between the two met­als and the inter­me­di­ary dielectric.

Con­sid­er a sin­gle CNF with a diam­e­ter of 10 nm and a length of 5 µm. Its man­tle sur­face is 2,000 times larg­er than the area it occu­pies.1 Thus, a for­est of such CNFs would mul­ti­ply the sur­face, but not by as much as 2,000. We can’t cov­er the entire orig­i­nal sur­face with CNFs; there must be space between them to allow access to the con­tact sur­face. But if the for­est of CNFs cov­ers about half the sur­face, then the sur­face mul­ti­pli­ca­tion would be in the range of 1,000 times.

CNF has many metal­lic prop­er­ties, includ­ing being a good con­duc­tor of cur­rent. There­fore a met­al plate cov­ered to fifty per­cent by CNFs is a sin­gle elec­trode with a sur­face area about 1,000 times larg­er than the area of the met­al plate itself. By coat­ing this elec­trode with a uni­form­ly thick lay­er of a dielec­tric and then coat­ing this in turn with a met­al, a MIM capac­i­tor is obtained. Of course, the dielec­tric should have a high rel­a­tive per­mit­tiv­i­ty to max­i­mize the capacitance.

Since the CNF has a length much larg­er than the diam­e­ter, we can neglect what hap­pens to the elec­tric field near the base and top of each CNF. Essen­tial­ly it will be a uni­form field, just as in a par­al­lel plate capacitor.

Since the capac­i­tance of a par­al­lel plate capac­i­tor is direct­ly pro­por­tion­al to the sur­face area, we con­clude that CNFs have increased the capac­i­tance den­si­ty by 1,000 times.

But it doesn’t end there. If the sec­ond lay­er of met­al is made uni­form­ly thick, both sides of it will have the same shape as the first elec­trode. So by coat­ing it with anoth­er lay­er of dielec­tric and then coat­ing this in turn with a met­al, anoth­er MIM capac­i­tor is obtained. It will have the same capac­i­ty as the first. And by elec­tri­cal­ly con­nect­ing the first and the third met­al lay­er, we achieve a par­al­lel con­nec­tion, which dou­bles the capac­i­tance. This can be repeat­ed as long as desired and there is space between the car­bon nanofibers. The last lay­er of met­al does not need to be uni­form­ly thick but can fill in any remain­ing spaces between the car­bon nanofibers.

The fig­ure below shows a dis­crete CNF-MIM capac­i­tor with three CNF-shaped capac­i­tors con­nect­ed in par­al­lel. Using the same assump­tions about diam­e­ter, length, and den­si­ty as above, this capac­i­tor has 3,000 times the capac­i­tance pos­si­ble with a par­al­lel plate capac­i­tor in the same location.

A schemat­ic cross-sec­tion of a dis­crete CNF-MIM capacitor.
  1. Let r be the radius of the car­bon nanofiber, and h be its height. Then the orig­i­nal area A1 = πr2 and the new area A2 = A1 + 2πrh. The increase in area is A2 /​ A1 = (A1 + 2πrh) /​ A1 = 1 + 2πrh /​ (πr2) = 1 + 2h /​ r. If r = 5 nm and h = 5,000 nm, A2 /​ A1 = 1 + 2 ⋅ 5,000 /​ 5 = 2,001. ↩︎

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