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In the race to make green hydrogen economically viable, researchers worldwide are pursuing the seemingly impossible: reducing iridium use in PEM electrolyzers by 95%. As Smoltek gets closer to this holy grail of 0.1 mg/cm², we examine how other technologies measure up.
Two milligrams. That’s all it takes for conventional PEM electrolyzers to convert water into hydrogen gas. Two milligrams per square centimeter of electrolyzer’s membrane, that is. That doesn’t sound like much. But it costs more than is economically justifiable, and it’s more than is available if the promises of politicians and self-proclaimed experts about green hydrogen are to be fulfilled. This is why researchers are pulling out their last gray hairs in pure frustration as they feverishly try to reduce the iridium requirement by 95% – to 0.1 mg/cm². Achieving this goal is the holy grail of the hydrogen industry. You could read about it in our article Unlocking the green hydrogen economy.
But how is it going? We’re going to find out. But first, a quick primer on how an electrolyzer works.
PEM electrolyzers are so named because they have a proton exchange membrane (PEM) at the center of each electrolysis cell. As the name implies, the membrane allows protons to pass through. As you may remember from high school, a free proton is nothing more than a hydrogen ion. Hydrogen is made up of a proton and an electron. Remove the electron and you get a hydrogen ion, which is a proton. The membrane allows these to pass freely from one side to the other while blocking the electrons. This is the key to how PEM electrolyzers work.
On one side of the membrane is an electrode that is connected to the positive terminal of a power source. This side is called the anode. On the other side of the membrane is another electrode connected to the negative terminal of the same power source. This side is called the cathode.
Both the anode and cathode are made of a porous, electrically conductive material.
They must be electrically conductive to allow the power source and the electrolyzer to form an electrical circuit through which current can flow.
They must also be porous to allow water to flow past them and the hydrogen and oxygen gas formed to escape.
Both are referred to as gas diffusion layer (GDL) or porous transport layer (PTL). We prefer the latter name, since they not only allow gas to diffuse, but also water to flow.
On the cathode side, where hydrogen is formed when hydrogen ions combine with electrons from the power source to form hydrogen gas (H₂), a layer made of carbon fibers serves as the PTL.
On the anode side, where oxygen is formed, a platinized titanium sintered layer is used. Carbon cannot be used because it would immediately react with the oxygen to form carbon dioxide. And we don’t want carbonated water! Titanium is more resistant to the aggressive environment, and the platinum protects it and provides better electrical conductivity.
The membrane is placed between the two transport layers. When current is applied across the two electrodes, water flowing past the anode is split into hydrogen ions and oxygen. The oxygen escapes through the PTL of the anode, while the hydrogen ions, which are protons, migrate through the membrane to the cathode side, where they combine with electrons (current is free electrons) to form hydrogen gas, which escapes through the PTL of the cathode.
To distribute water and electricity and to evacuate oxygen and hydrogen gas, a bipolar plate (BPL) with channels for water and gas transport and electrical connections is mounted directly on the outside of each PTL.
Together, the membrane, both PTLs and both BPLs form an electrolysis cell.
Two cells can be connected in series by using one bipolar plate for both. It serves as the anode side for one and the cathode side for the other. That’s why it’s called bipolar; it’s the positive terminal for one side and the negative terminal for the other. In this way, several electrolyzer cells can be connected in series to form an electrolyzer stack.
An electrolyzer plant typically consists of several electrolyzer stacks.
Is that all?
We need a dash of iridium as well. Without the nobel metal, the reaction is unbearably slow. Only small amounts of hydrogen and oxygen gas are produced.
To speed up the process, the water molecules need iridium, or more specifically iridium oxide, to ”hold on to” as they split. The mere presence of this precious metal speeds up the process considerably. It doesn’t consume itself, it’s only a catalyst for the reaction.
Platinum is used on the cathode side for the same reason.
For each iridium atom to perform its magic trick, it must be in contact with the anode, the water, and the membrane. All at the same time. This is called having a triple phase boundary or three phase boundary. And achieving this is one of the biggest challenges in designing electrode structures for PEM electrolyzers.
The conventional solution is to mix iridium oxide with a solvent to form a slurry, which is then used to ”paint” the anode side of the membrane.
The iridium atoms on the outermost surface of the paint layer are active as catalysts. But many more iridium atoms are inactive; they don’t get a triple phase boundary because they are inside the paint layer. They are pure waste of the extremely rare and expensive metal.
But you can’t paint too thin. The paint will crack and form islands of iridium atoms that don’t have electrical contact. The layer of ”iridium paint” must be 5–10 microns thick to work, and then it typically requires 2 milligrams of iridium per square centimeter of membrane.
But, as those of you who have read our article Unlocking the green hydrogen economy know, 2 mg/cm2 is not sustainable either economically or in terms of resources. A sustainable level is 0.1 mg/cm2 – a 95 % reduction from today’s level. Getting there is the big challenge for the hydrogen industry.
A challenge that Smoltek has taken on.
But before we take a closer look at our solution, let’s examine other avenues that have been explored.
The composite anode technique is basically the same idea as the one already used. However, most of the iridium is replaced with platinum black – a fine powder of platinum. It doesn’t act as a catalyst, but as a conductor between the islands of few iridium atoms on the surface.
This method has shown the ability to reduce iridium use by up to 80 %, but the fundamental structure makes it difficult to go below 0.5 mg/cm² without losing performance. In addition, the increased use of other precious metals increases the overall cost, making it difficult to achieve an economically sustainable solution.
Core-shell structures are based on creating nanoparticles with a core of a cheaper material, such as ruthenium or nickel, and a thin shell of iridium oxide. This design allows the amount of iridium to be drastically reduced, because only the shell needs to be made of the expensive metal.
A triple phase boundary is created because the iridium oxide in the shell is in direct contact with both the electrolyte and the electrically conductive core material. The most promising attempts have achieved an 85% reduction in iridium use.
Unfortunately, core-shell structures have proven difficult to manufacture on an industrial scale. The process is complex and requires careful control of the synthesis to ensure uniform distribution of the shell. In addition, there are stability issues where the core material can leak out over time in the acidic environment. This means that despite promising results in the lab, the technology is unlikely to reach the 0.1 mg/cm² goal in commercial production.
Manganese-iridium composites are somewhat like core-shell structures, but now manganese oxide is used as the core, and there is no shell of iridium, but individual atoms scattered over the entire surface, maximizing the utilization of each iridium atom while taking advantage of the stability of manganese oxide in acidic environments.
A triple phase boundary is created because the iridium atoms are perfectly exposed on the manganese oxide surface, providing direct contact with both the electrolyte and the conductive substrate.
Although the technology has shown impressive results with up to 95% reduction in iridium consumption in laboratory settings, there are significant challenges to industrial implementation. The complex synthesis process is difficult to scale up, and there are questions about the long-term stability of these atomically dispersed catalysts under realistic operating conditions.
Nanostructured Thin Films (NSTF) use a technique in which iridium oxide is deposited in extremely thin layers on crystalline organic whiskers. These whiskers, made of a special organic pigment, create submicron support structures that allow for a very efficient catalyst arrangement in which almost all of the iridium atoms can participate in the reaction.
The triple phase boundary is optimized by the large available surface area of the whisker structures and the direct contact between catalyst, electrolyte and conductive substrate, while the crystalline nature of the whiskers provides exceptional corrosion resistance.
While NSTF technology is elegant in theory, its practical implementation has proven problematic. The manufacturing process is delicate and difficult to scale up. In addition, the films have proven to be sensitive to mechanical stress and can delaminate during operation. This means that despite its potential, the technology probably won’t be able to deliver stable performance at 0.1 mg/cm² on an industrial scale.
Nanoprinting uses an advanced printing process to create extremely small (2 nm) iridium particles that are printed directly onto the membrane surface. The technology allows for optimal iridium utilization by ensuring that each particle is available for catalysis while maintaining direct contact with the proton-conducting membrane.
The triple phase boundary is optimized by the precise placement of the particles on the membrane and their minimal size, ensuring each particle has both electrical contact and access to water.
While the technology has shown promising results with a factor of 10 reduction in iridium usage, there are still challenges with scalability and cost. The advanced equipment and precise process parameters make it difficult to achieve cost-effective mass production of PEM electrolyzers at 0.1 mg/cm².
Smoltek’s technology uses vertically oriented carbon nanofibers coated with an ultra-thin layer of platinum on which iridium atoms are placed. This creates a unique structure where each nanofiber acts as a ”stick” to which the catalyst can attach.
The triple phase boundary is optimized because the iridium is on the surface of the electrically conductive nanofibers, which are perfectly integrated into the membrane.
This approach has already demonstrated stable operation with as little as 0.2 mg/cm² of iridium and shows great potential to reach the target of 0.1 mg/cm². The simple but elegant solution is also well suited for industrial production. The nanofibers can be produced using proven CVD technology, and the subsequent metal coating is a well-known process. Smoltek’s successful 1,000 hour test shows that the technology is ready for scale-up to industrial production.
Looking at the different approaches to reducing iridium content in PEM electrolyzers, a clear pattern emerges. While several technologies show promise in laboratory settings, most face significant hurdles in scaling up to industrial production. The key to success lies not just in achieving the 0.1 mg/cm² target, but in doing so with a technology that can be reliably manufactured at scale.
Smoltek’s solution represents one promising path forward. Our approach using carbon nanofibers has already demonstrated stable operation at 0.2 mg/cm² in demanding 1,000-hour tests. By basing our innovation on established manufacturing methods like PECVD, we’ve prioritized industrial scalability from the start – because a breakthrough technology only matters if it can reach the market.
And now, after two decades of research and development, this crusade for the holy grail of green hydrogen is drawing to a close. The 0.1 mg/cm² milestone is within reach.
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