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Interview: Shafiq Kabir on Smolteks evolvement and IP strategy

Shafiq Kabir is the founder and CIO of Smoltek. Since the start of the company his thirst for knowledge and innovation has transformed into a IP strategy that the Smoltek business model now is based upon. A strategy that has evolved as the company has grown.

November 30, 2020

In decem­ber 2005 Shafiq Kabir found­ed a lit­tle com­pa­ny he liked to call “Shafiq’s Mol­e­c­u­lar Tech­no­log­i­cal Com­pa­ny”. The com­pa­ny name soon trans­formed into Smoltek and the first patent on how to grow nanos­truc­tures was filed. And ever since, there has been a con­stant evolve­ment of the company.

In this inter­view, Shafiq takes us on a jour­ney down mem­o­ry lane. From how every­thing start­ed, the evolve­ment of IP strat­e­gy and the com­pa­ny busi­ness model.

Video:Shafiq Kabir on IP and com­pa­ny evolvement

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