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Extended Cut Interview With Yageo Cto

Extended cut of the interview with YAGEO CTO

BREAKING NEWS: An extended cut of the blockbuster interview with the CTO of Yageo Group has been released. Don't miss it!

Did you see the press release about a new video fea­tur­ing Louise Duk­er, Chief Prod­uct Offi­cer at Smoltek Semi and Philip Less­ner, CTO at Yageo Group? It was also shared on Smoltek’s ded­i­cat­ed LinkedIn page for Investor Rela­tions (you fol­low it, right?).

You might be inter­est­ed to know that it does­n’t show the whole inter­view. Smoltek’s own auteur direc­tor cut out a full 6 min­utes and 24 sec­onds. Scan­dalous, I know.

But don’t wor­ry. Just as the mas­ter­ful auteur was mak­ing the final cut, I snuck in behind him and col­lect­ed all the movie clips. I have com­piled them into an “extend­ed cut” of The future of the capac­i­tor industry—Interview with YAGEO CTO about Smoltek CNF-MIM.

The extend­ed cut will appeal to movie geeks who love the eso­teric sub­genre that deals with geeky top­ics, such as the chal­lenges of mak­ing ultra-thin capac­i­tors and how Smoltek is tack­ling them. I get goose­bumps just think­ing about it.

The extend­ed ver­sion will only appear on this IR blog, exclu­sive­ly for you loy­al read­ers who love Smoltek and what we do. So grab a hand­ful of pop­corn and a sip of Coke because the show is about to begin.

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