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Compact Energy Storage Interposer

The Compact Energy Storage Interposer family is covering the invention and manufacturing of extremely thin energy storage devices embedded in an interposer.

The inven­tion: An inter­poser device com­pris­ing a first con­duct­or pat­tern on a first side defin­ing a por­tion of the inter­poser device to be covered by a first elec­tric­al cir­cuit ele­ment; and a second con­duct­or pat­tern on a second side to be con­nec­ted to a second elec­tric­al cir­cuit ele­ment. The second con­duct­or pat­tern is elec­tric­ally coupled to the first con­duct­or pat­tern. The inter­poser device fur­ther com­prises a plur­al­ity of nano­struc­ture energy stor­age devices arranged with­in the por­tion of the inter­poser device to be covered by the first elec­tric­al cir­cuit ele­ment. Each of the nano­struc­ture energy stor­age devices com­prises at least a first plur­al­ity of con­duct­ive nano­struc­tures; a con­duc­tion con­trolling mater­i­al embed­ding the nano­struc­tures; a first elec­trode con­nec­ted to each nano­struc­ture in the first plur­al­ity of nano­struc­tures; and a second elec­trode sep­ar­ated from each nano­struc­ture in the first plur­al­ity of nano­struc­tures by the con­duc­tion con­trolling material.

Granted patents relating to the innovation

Pat­ent OfficePat­ent
South KoreaKR102059450
South KoreaKR102340123
For more inform­a­tion about a par­tic­u­lar pat­ent, click on its name to view it on Google Patents.

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