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Ola Tiverman, President Smoltek Semi

CNF-MIM technology license agreement extended – again

Smoltek conducts operations in the development, industrialization and licensing of technology solutions, based on the company's patent-protected carbon nanofiber technology, for the semiconductor industry within the Group company Smoltek Semi. Its main focus is the industrialization and commercialization of the company’s ultra-thin CNF-MIM capacitors. 

February 4, 2022

The eval­u­a­tion license agree­ment that Smoltek signed in April 2020 with a glob­al man­u­fac­tur­er of elec­tron­ic com­po­nents has been extend­ed fur­ther, to the end of April. The work with­in this project is car­ried out in the sub­sidiary Smoltek Semi, whose main objec­tive is to devel­op and license the man­u­fac­ture of ultra-thin capac­i­tors based on Smoltek’s patent-pro­tect­ed car­bon nanofiber technology.

Smoltek con­ducts oper­a­tions in the devel­op­ment, indus­tri­al­iza­tion and licens­ing of tech­nol­o­gy solu­tions, based on the com­pa­ny’s patent-pro­tect­ed car­bon nanofiber tech­nol­o­gy, for the semi­con­duc­tor indus­try with­in the Group com­pa­ny Smoltek Semi. Its main focus is the indus­tri­al­iza­tion and com­mer­cial­iza­tion of the company’s ultra-thin CNF-MIM capac­i­tors. The com­pa­ny has one active agree­ment for indus­tri­al eval­u­a­tion which was signed in the spring of 2020 with a glob­al man­u­fac­tur­er of pas­sive elec­tron­ic com­po­nents, includ­ing capac­i­tors. This agree­ment has now been fur­ther extend­ed until 30 April 2022.

“It is pos­i­tive for both par­ties that we have agreed upon a fur­ther exten­sion of the agree­ment. This will enable us and our cus­tomer to deep­en the work in the cur­rent devel­op­ment step with­in the frame­work of the coop­er­a­tion. Both par­ties con­tin­ue to see strong poten­tial in this coop­er­a­tion and Smoltek’s CNF-MIM capac­i­tor tech­nol­o­gy. In par­al­lel with this coop­er­a­tion, we are also con­tin­u­ing our own work to build a sup­ply chain for the vol­ume man­u­fac­tur­ing of our first upcom­ing capac­i­tor prod­uct, and we are very pleased with how this is progressing,” 

says Ola Tiver­man, Pres­i­dent of the sub­sidiary Smoltek Semi AB.
Wafer with CNF-MIM capacitors (mockups)
Wafer with CNF-MIM capac­i­tors (mock­ups)

Back­ground: Smoltek demon­strat­ed a pro­to­type of the world’s small­est capac­i­tor in March 2021. All the work around the CNF-MIM (car­bon nanofiber MIM-capac­i­tors) are based on Smoltek’s patent pro­tect­ed car­bon nan­otech­nol­o­gy

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