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Smoltek patent No. 56 now granted

Smoltek is awarded a new patent. This Korean patent is the second of a patent family in the direction of CNF-MIM based compact energy storage interposers. This means that our patent portfolio now comprises 56 granted patents.

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Smoltek patent No. 54 now granted

Smoltek is awarded a new patent. This US patent is the first of a patent family in the direction of CNF-MIM capacitor applications on interposers. This brings our IP portfolio now to consists of 54 granted patents.

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A new position and a new face at Smoltek

Karl Lundahl is taking on the new position as Vice President Product Management at Smoltek, with start this fall. Karl has a long track record within the semiconductor, photovoltaic and electronic industries. In particular, Karl is bringing extensive experience in the field of advanced semiconductor packaging.