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Carbon Nanotubes as base Material for Fabrication of Gap Waveguide Components

Research article published in EUROSENSORS 2014, the 28th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers.

Research art­icle pub­lished in EUROSENSORS 2014, the 28th European Con­fer­ence on Sol­id-State Trans­ducers. Abstract: Car­bon nan­otubes are being used here as a base mater­i­al for rap­id pro­to­typ­ing of a high fre­quency device. It has been imple­men­ted on a ridge gap res­on­at­or for 220–325 GHz which has pre­vi­ously been fab­ric­ated in Si. Micro­fab­ric­a­tion with Si has its bene­fits but it is time con­sum­ing when etch­ing high ratio struc­tures. CNT based struc­tures offer a rap­id and low cost turnover for pro­to­typ­ing. Meas­ure­ments com­par­ing the CNT-based struc­ture to a pre­vi­ously made Si struc­ture and sim­u­la­tions are presen­ted. The unloaded Q‑values and the loss/​mm are presen­ted from sim­u­la­tions, Si-based res­on­at­or meas­ure­ments and CNT-based res­on­at­or measurements.

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