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Green world

Carbon nanofibers in the hydrogen industry

With our carbon nanofibers (CNFs) fabrication technology, we develop advanced materials engineering solutions for use in water electrolysis and fuel cells for the hydrogen industry.

The demand for sus­tain­ably pro­duced hydro­gen is ris­ing due to its role in avoid­ing green­house gas emis­sions. Pro­duc­tion and use of sus­tain­able hydro­gen is made pos­si­ble by two core tech­nolo­gies: Water elec­trol­y­sis, which pro­duces hydro­gen from water using elec­tric­i­ty, and fuel cells, which revers­es the reac­tion to gen­er­ate elec­tric­i­ty. How­ev­er, both tech­nolo­gies use rare and expen­sive cat­a­lyst mate­ri­als such as plat­inum or irid­i­um. Using car­bon nanofibers (CNF) as a cat­a­lyst sup­port can decrease the amount of expen­sive cat­a­lyst mate­r­i­al need­ed. Smoltek nanos­truc­ture fab­ri­ca­tion tech­nol­o­gy can unlock this potential.

The need for hydrogen

Hydro­gen pro­duced by water elec­trol­y­sis can be a solu­tion to sev­er­al prob­lems in the process of reduc­ing green­house gas emis­sions. For exam­ple, inter­mit­tent ener­gy sources such as solar and wind pow­er occa­sion­al­ly pro­duce more elec­tric­i­ty than need­ed, e.g. on very windy or sun­ny days. 

Using this elec­tri­cal pow­er for water elec­trol­y­sis allows the ener­gy to be stored in the form of pro­duced hydro­gen gas, which can lat­er be used con­vert­ed back to elec­tric­i­ty by a fuel cell form­ing only water vapor in the process. Anoth­er key dri­ver is to abate the car­bon diox­ide emis­sion in the pro­duc­tion of steel, where coal and coke can be replaced by hydro­gen gas as reduc­ing agent for the iron ore emit­ting only water vapor and mak­ing a sig­nif­i­cant reduc­tion in glob­al car­bon diox­ide emis­sions pos­si­ble. This enables a fos­sil-free steel production.

Making hydrogen by electrolysis

Water elec­trolyz­ers use two elec­trodes, a pos­i­tive­ly charged anode and a neg­a­tive­ly charged cath­ode, sep­a­rat­ed by an elec­trolyte that allows ions to trav­el between the elec­trodes. The elec­trodes are also elec­tri­cal­ly con­nect­ed to a pow­er source that sup­plies elec­tri­cal pow­er to dri­ve the reac­tion. Oxy­gen gas is pro­duced at the anode through the oxy­gen evo­lu­tion reac­tion, and hydro­gen gas is pro­duced at the cath­ode through the hydro­gen evo­lu­tion reac­tion. Cat­a­lysts are used to pro­mote these elec­tro­chem­i­cal reac­tions and allow them to run at a low­er ener­gy cost. The reac­tions hap­pen at the active cat­a­lyst sur­face, i.e. at sur­faces where the cat­a­lyst is in con­tact with the electrolyte. 

Ben­e­fi­cial con­di­tions for water elec­trol­y­sis depend on the type of elec­trolyte, the oper­at­ing tem­per­a­ture, the pres­sure and the types of cat­a­lysts. His­tor­i­cal­ly the indus­try has most­ly relied on low-tem­per­a­ture elec­trolyz­ers using an alka­line solu­tion with high pH con­tain­ing potas­si­um hydrox­ide in water. They do not require scarce cat­a­lyst mate­r­i­al but cause lim­it­ed cur­rent den­si­ties and there­fore lim­it­ed hydro­gen out­put per cell area. This draw­back can be over­come by poly­mer ionomer mem­branes that con­duct either hydro­gen ions or hydrox­ide ions in direct con­tact with anode and cath­ode, so-called zero-gap design. These ion-con­duct­ing poly­mers are known as pro­ton exchange mem­branes (PEM) or anion exchange mem­branes (AEM) respectively.

Schemat­ic of how PEM elec­trol­y­sis works

Green hydrogen and low-carbon hydrogen

Low-tem­per­a­ture elec­trolyz­ers with PEM elec­trolytes, known as PEM elec­trolyz­ers, are promis­ing not only for their high­er cur­rent den­si­ty but also for their excel­lent match with inter­mit­tent pow­er sources and the longevi­ty of the com­mer­cial­ly offered pro­ton exchange mem­branes. This enables a com­pact and durable elec­trolyz­er design. 

For high-cur­rent den­si­ty oper­a­tion at low over­po­ten­tial1 PEM elec­trolyz­ers need rare and expen­sive of cat­a­lysts such as plat­inum on the cath­ode side and irid­i­um oxide on the anode side. To real­ize the poten­tial of PEM elec­trolyz­ers, it is cru­cial that the cat­a­lysts are used effi­cient­ly and that the cat­a­lyst load, i.e. the amount of cat­a­lyst per unit area of the elec­trolyz­er cell, is kept to a minimum. 

One way of reduc­ing the cat­a­lyst load is to deposit the cat­a­lyst mate­r­i­al on anoth­er mate­r­i­al known as a cat­a­lyst sup­port, either in the form of a thin film or as par­ti­cles with a diam­e­ter of a few nanome­ters. The cat­a­lyst sup­ports act as a scaf­fold­ing, allow­ing the cat­a­lyst to be spread over a larg­er area. An ide­al cat­a­lyst sup­port should have a large sur­face area, an open struc­ture that lets water and gas­es flow to and from the cat­a­lyst, excel­lent con­tact with the pro­ton exchange mem­brane and good and sta­ble elec­tri­cal con­duc­tiv­i­ty to enable the elec­tro­chem­i­cal reac­tions. Car­bon black is often used as a cat­a­lyst sup­port on the cath­ode side in PEM elec­trolyz­ers, but the irid­i­um cat­a­lyst on the anode side is gen­er­al­ly used with­out sup­port due to the harsh acidic con­di­tions at the anode.

Better catalysts with carbon nanofibers (CNF)

Car­bon nanofibers (CNF) are car­bon struc­tures with a diam­e­ter that is typ­i­cal­ly below 100 nm and a length between 1 and 100 µm. Like many car­bon nano­ma­te­ri­als, CNF are elec­tri­cal­ly con­duc­tive and mechan­i­cal­ly strong. 

CNF are grown by chem­i­cal vapor depo­si­tion (CVD) and have the poten­tial to improve on exist­ing cat­a­lyst sup­ports. The CVD growth method makes it pos­si­ble to con­trol the ori­en­ta­tion of the CNF so that they are ver­ti­cal­ly aligned with a well-defined aver­age spac­ing, width, and height. This means that the struc­ture of a CNF cat­a­lyst sup­port can be adjust­ed to achieve the large sur­face area and degree of poros­i­ty that is needed.

The struc­ture of a CNF cat­a­lyst sup­port also makes it pos­si­ble to con­trol the posi­tion of the cat­a­lyst that is deposit­ed on it, which in turn opens pos­si­bil­i­ties for opti­miz­ing the active sur­face area of the cat­a­lyst and reduc­ing the cat­a­lyst load. For exam­ple, the cat­a­lyst can be placed in direct con­tact or even embed­ded into the mem­brane. The CNF can be con­for­mal­ly coat­ed and pro­tect­ed for use on the anode side of the electrolyzer. 

Although reduc­ing cat­a­lyst load is most impor­tant in PEM elec­trolyz­ers, CNF cat­a­lyst sup­ports may also be used in AEM elec­trolyz­ers and in PEM fuel cells. There are clear advan­tages to using CNF grown by CVD as a cat­a­lyst sup­port, such as increas­ing the active cat­a­lyst sur­face area and decreas­ing the need­ed cat­a­lyst load. The CVD meth­ods used for CNF pro­duc­tion by Smoltek can be used to real­ize the poten­tial of CNF in elec­trol­y­sis and fuel cells.

Elec­trolyz­er-cell with Smoltek anode-PTL and catalysts

Radically reducing the price for hydrogen production

For future needs of the PEM elec­trolyz­er mar­ket, when the capac­i­ty is scaled to pro­duce Gigawatts of water elec­trol­y­sis year­ly it will be cru­cial to man­age a low irid­i­um cat­a­lyst load on PEM anodes to enable cost-effi­cient hydro­gen production.

Smoltek’s nanofiber-based cell mate­ri­als cre­ates an opti­mal anode struc­ture that allows irid­i­um cat­a­lyst nanopar­ti­cles to form a high­ly active and acces­si­ble sur­face. In prin­ci­ple, all of the nanopar­ti­cles come into con­tact with the pro­ton exchange mem­brane of the cell poten­tial­ly reduc­ing the need­ed amount of irid­i­um by 80% – or more. 

Anoth­er ben­e­fit is that the cells can be opti­mized for high cur­rent den­si­ty, thus the capac­i­ty to pro­duce hydro­gen per cell area increas­es. This is achieved by a cor­re­spond­ing increase of the irid­i­um load. These design choic­es can cre­ate a 2–3 times low­er invest­ment cost for the elec­trolyz­er in a hydro­gen plant.

Are you interested in partnering with us?

Our next step is to indus­tri­al­ize our solu­tion for the elec­trolyz­er cell mate­r­i­al (CNF-ECM). We are there­fore look­ing for indus­tri­al partner(s) that, in close col­lab­o­ra­tion with us;

  • build and test pro­to­types with dif­fer­ent com­bi­na­tions of sub­strates, nanos­truc­ture mor­phol­o­gy, anti-cor­ro­sion pro­tec­tion and cat­a­lyst deposition,
  • estab­lish per­for­mance and long-term durability,
  • devel­op a high-vol­ume man­u­fac­tur­ing concept,
  • pro­duces a test series of CNF-ECM to be used in actu­al production.

Is your com­pa­ny a poten­tial part­ner in tak­ing advan­tage of our dis­rup­tive tech­nol­o­gy?
Con­tact us today, and let’s arrange a meet­ing to dis­cuss it further. 

  1. The over­po­ten­tial describes the volt­age dif­fer­ence, from the min­i­mum pos­si­ble volt­age to trig­ger the reac­tion to the volt­age that needs to be reached for a suf­fi­cient cur­rent ↩︎

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