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Smoltek, which has an IPO planned at the end of the month, has received an order from a globally leading manufacturer of consumer electronics.
Smoltek has been approved for listing of the company’s shares at Aktietorget. The subscription period for the IPO has now started. 1 117 300 shares are offered which corresponds to 20 MSEK.
Smoltek, which is planning an IPO at Aktietorget in February this year, has received an order from a leading global semiconductor process technology supplier.
Smoltek Nanotech Holding AB is to be launched on the Swedish market place Aktietorget in February 2018. Peter Augustsson, Bo Hedfors and Ola Tiverman are new board members of the company.
Smoltek will take part in the MEPTEC’s Semiconductor Packaging Symposium in Milpitas, California on November 30.
We are happy to announce that our paper "Integrated on-chip solid state capacitor based on vertically aligned carbon nanofibers, grown using a CMOS temperature compatible process" is published in the academic journal Solid-State Electronics.
Research engineer Rickard Andersson will present the recent advances made by Smoltek at the Baltic Conference Series on Wednesday October 11.
Smoltek is nominated to the Nordic-Nanotechnology-Company-of-the-Year-Award. The award will be handed out at NanoFourm, in Uppsala, Sweden, September 25-26. The nominated companies will pitch their business idea to a jury that decides which company is the best role model towards other Nordic start-ups within nanotechnology.
The article Integrated solid-state capacitors based on carbon nanostructure written by the Smoltek tech team is published in the latest issue of Chip Scale Review.
Yet another patent granted in Japan.
Muhammad Amin has defended his thesis successfully. The opponent was Professor François Béguin, from Poznan University of Technology, Poland, a distinguished professor in the field of super capacitors.
Further expansion of Smoltek’s footprint on patent portfolio in Asia.
Our industrial PhD student Muhammad Amin is one of 8 winners selected by the CPMT Awards committee for ECTC Travel Award with the abstract “On-Chip Integrated Solid State Micro-Supercapacitor.”
Our publication about supercapacitor performance is selected as a Highlight of 2016 by Journal of Micromechanics & Microengineering.
The present European patent covers an aspect of essential growth related method to enable growing nanostructures on a substrate e.g. carbon nanotubes, nanofibers, nanowires etc.
Smoltek just received a patent letter of a new granted patent in Europe.
Ulf Börjel has enrolled the position of new Chairman of the Board since January 2017.
We are very happy to be featured in IEEE Spectrum. IEEE Spectrum is the flagship magazine and website of the IEEE, the world’s largest professional organization devoted to engineering and the applied sciences.
We are happy to announce a new core patent in Taiwan. This is Smoltek´s third granted patent in Taiwan.