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Fredrik Liljeberg

Fossil-free future is speeding up

A giant market for new Swedish technology

In order to enable the extensive electrification and to replace fossil raw materials in industry, large investments are being made globally in the production, distribution and use of completely fossil-free hydrogen, so-called green hydrogen. In Sweden, some attention is certainly directed towards the steel industry's investments, but the huge interest in hydrogen that we see in many other countries has not yet reached this point.
Read moreA giant market for new Swedish technology
Smoltek R&D-team with 200mm wafer

Smoltek has been granted two new patents

Smoltek’s 75th patent has been grant­ed in Tai­wan and is cov­er­ing the con­cept and man­u­fac­tur­ing of extreme­ly thin ener­gy stor­age devices embed­ded in an inter­pos­er. The ener­gy stor­age device con­cepts can take a large num­ber of forms e.g. dis­crete, inte­grat­ed – or it may take the form where the end result is an inter­pos­er with CNF-MIM…

Read moreSmoltek has been granted two new patents
Håkan Persson, CEO of Smoltek & President of Smoltek Innovation

Smoltek initiates MoU-negotiations for joint development of ultra-thin capacitors

Smoltek and the subsidiary Smoltek Semi has extended its evaluation license agreement with a global manufacturer of passive components. The parties will also define and agree upon the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding for the joint development of an industrial mass-production process for Smoltek’s ultra-thin carbon nanofiber capacitors.
Read moreSmoltek initiates MoU-negotiations for joint development of ultra-thin capacitors