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Assembly platform

The Assembly platform family is a particular application in the field of interconnects and heterogeneous integration.

The inven­tion: An assem­bly plat­form for arrange­ment as an inter­pos­er device between an inte­grat­ed cir­cuit and a sub­strate to inter­con­nect the inte­grat­ed cir­cuit and the sub­strate through the assem­bly plat­form, the assem­bly plat­form com­pris­ing: an assem­bly sub­strate; a plu­ral­i­ty of con­duct­ing vias extend­ing through the assem­bly sub­strate; at least one nanos­truc­ture con­nec­tion bump on a first side of the assem­bly sub­strate, the nanos­truc­ture con­nec­tion bump being con­duc­tive­ly con­nect­ed to the vias and defin­ing con­nec­tion loca­tions for con­nec­tion with at least one of the inte­grat­ed cir­cuit and the sub­strate, where­in each of the nanos­truc­ture con­nec­tion bumps com­pris­es: a plu­ral­i­ty of elon­gat­ed con­duc­tive nanos­truc­tures ver­ti­cal­ly grown on the first side of the assem­bly sub­strate, where­in the plu­ral­i­ty of elon­gat­ed nanos­truc­tures are embed­ded in a met­al for the con­nec­tion with at least one of the inte­grat­ed cir­cuit and the sub­strate, at least one con­nec­tion bump on a sec­ond side of the assem­bly sub­strate, the sec­ond side being oppo­site to the first side, the con­nec­tion bump being con­duc­tive­ly con­nect­ed to the vias and defin­ing con­nec­tion loca­tions for con­nec­tion with at least one of the inte­grat­ed cir­cuit and the substrate.

Granted patents relating to the innovation

Patent OfficePatent
For more infor­ma­tion about a par­tic­u­lar patent, click on its name to view it on Google Patents.

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